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Snow Leopard to Lion Aperture 3 to 3.3.1 ?? #1
Jon Dobyns's picture
by Jon Dobyns
July 19, 2012 - 10:59am

I am finally getting the nerve up to upgrade from the latest version of Snow Leopard to Lion so I can upgrade Aperture to 3.3.1. What can I generally expect with this transformation, Stability? Speed?

If you had a choice would you do the upgrades again or am I destined for a weekend of bugs?

Thanks for any thoughts


Craig Andrews's picture
by Craig Andrews
July 19, 2012 - 11:22am

I was thinking of doing the same thing and was going to download Mountain Lion today, but I couldn’t find it so I’m presuming it isn’t out yet, although they said it would be out in July. I was just going to bypass Lion and go to Mountain Lion but might wait for a month or so after ML’s release to see what bugs are being reported. Everything is running so well with SL, …..but I have a real hankering to get 3.3.1. What do you think of waiting for Mountain Lion. (Please don’t tell me it is out already!!)

I'd much rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Tim Doyle's picture
by Tim Doyle
July 19, 2012 - 9:24pm

Mountain Lion has not yet been released, but the “Golden Master” has been released to developers, a sign that it has been finalized and release is imminent. Some websites are predicting a July 25th release date because some Apple store employees have been asked to work overnight on the 24th.

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
July 19, 2012 - 10:12pm

If you have not upgraded to Lion, you might as well wait. The Lion upgrade costs you $30. Apple has already publicly announced that the Mountain Lion upgrade will be $20. Save yourself the $10. I have tested Aperture 3.3.1 on Mountain Lion and it works great.

Craig Andrews's picture
by Craig Andrews
July 19, 2012 - 10:26pm

Thanks Walter, that’s nice to hear.

I'd much rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Butch Miller's picture
by Butch Miller
July 19, 2012 - 10:31pm

Jon and Craig …

Indeed wait for Mountain Lion … no need to take two steps at this point …

You shouldn’t experience any problems as long as you are aware that in Lion and Mountain Lion there is no longer support for any legacy PPC apps via Rosetta … so if you have any of these apps … you may need to upgrade to intel capable versions or seek other options … of course be sure you have a good backup of all your data before you upgrade …

I would also recommend to take this opportunity to perform a clean install by reformatting your drive then install OS 10.8 … then manually install all your apps and copy over your personal data …

When you go the upgrade route, it keeps everything, including a myriad of files and folders for legacy apps and other supporting files that can create a lot of unnecessary clutter (I saved over 40GB of space doing this) … if you copy over your apps and data from a backup using Migration Assistant … it brings everything … there is no option to pick and choose what data is migrated … so that is why I suggest to do it manually …

Just a thought … this will keep your system lean and mean, and a lot less likely to have issues that could be from some of the older legacy files that could cause problems down the road …

Jon Dobyns's picture
by Jon Dobyns
July 20, 2012 - 8:29am

Thanks all for the feed back, I will for go the upgrade to Lion until Mountain Lion is out as long as Lion is not required to upgrade to Mountain Lion.

Butch you make a good point about a clean install, makes allot of sense

Butch Miller's picture
by Butch Miller
July 20, 2012 - 9:31am

I wouldn’t recommend going to all that trouble for everyone, or every OS upgrade … but a lot has changed since Snow Leopard … and likely you have some stuff on your computer from before 10.6 … so a lot of crud can accumulate … I actually saw some preference files in my Library that was still there from apps I hadn’t used since OS 10.2 Jaguar! … but Migration Assistant doesn’t pick and choose so it all comes with when you upgrade the OS or buy a new machine … granted, preference files don’t take up a lot of space, but they are of little value to hang to in perpetuity …

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