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Total of images in Photos is less than in Aperture.. #1
Philip M's picture
by Philip M
June 6, 2015 - 12:05am

Today I opened Photos and imported one of Aperture libraries into Photos. The total number of images in Photos App is 37,082 and the total in Aperture is 39,002.  As far as videos, Photos is showing 1,834 and Aperture is 1824. Wondering if anyone experienced this and if so, could offer any insight as to where the images are hiding. My other thought is that they were duplicates  and didn’t carry over into Photos, etc. No idea. 

The import went smooth on the first try without any hiccups, etc. I am still able to open Aperture, etc. 

Photos is nice, but not a replacement for Aperture and since the edits don’t carry over now that I’m running both, I will be using Photos to house finished images/videos, but my workflow changed as of today. DXO…  *I have LR4 and PS and may use LR, but I’ll store my RAW’s on  drive, edit in DXO, export images on to a drive and then import into Photos. This way I have access to them, etc. 


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