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Using Capture One with Dx0 ClearView #1
Les's picture
by Les
October 23, 2015 - 4:10am

I recently migrated from Aperture to Capture One and have been very happy, there are a few quirks that I have to get used to but over all not too bad a transition. There are some features in Aperture (like stacks) that I wish Capture One had but such is life.

I had some pictures of a football game that showed some haze so I decided to try DxO clearview and it did a great job of cleaning up the haze. One could probably come up with a custom adjustment in CO but I’ve not figured it out yet. I also tried the Prime noise reduction. I’m sure about that yet. It does a great job of getting rid of noise but causes a bit more softening than I like.

At this point I plan to use CO for my primary RAW conversion and most edits. However, if I need to reduce haze I will use Dx0. I was wondering, if I have a photo that I want to use both of these on, does it matter which one I do first? My current plan would be to do all adjustments (including crop) in CO and then output as tiff to Dx0 to process using ClearView. Then send it back to CO to output the final image as a jpg.

Any suggestions for the best way to do all of this?


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