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Using Drobo to store libraries & vaults???? #1
Laura Caplan's picture
by Laura Caplan
May 13, 2010 - 1:34am

I am in the process of reading the 2 eBooks I bought yesterday and in the “10 tips…” book you mention that you use the Drobo. I also use the Drobo (w/FW800) with my Mac and I’m curious as to how you have your Drobo set-up and if you also use Time Machine. I currently only have 2- 2TB drives in my Drobo giving me 1.78TB of Storage Capacity & 1.84TB for protection and I’m currently using 983GB of space. I have all my Aperture libraries & vaults stored on the Drobo. And update my vaults regularly. I love the Drobo and want to find out how you are using it.
1. What is your back-up process? Do you switch out any of your Drobo drives and store it in a safe? If so, how often do you do that?
2. Do you use Time Machine too? If so, how?

I also have a question about referenced vs. managed files too, but I will add another post for that.

Thank you!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 15, 2010 - 7:13am


Drobo rocks. It’s good that you’re making Vaults, however those should be on other drives (and ideally in other locations) to be truly useful. If, worst-case-scenario, the entire Drobo failed, then both your primary and your backups would be gone.

Drobo isn’t designed to swap out drives. I suppose you can, but that’s not how it’s meant to be used. I’d dig into their support system to see if they even recommend it, and how to operate if they do.

I back up off-site, meaning I manually copy masters from my Drobo to other drives and ship ‘em cross country. However I’m in the process of uploading my entire Drobo contents to BackBlaze, which is my preferred online (aka “cloud”) backup service. I have multiple Macs on Backblaze and each is backed up to that. My Aperture libraries live on my iMac, and those are backed up to Backblaze (as well as to Time Machine, so that’s a local backup only).

Time Machine backs up to my Time Capsule, so super easy. Set it and forget it.

“If you don’t have three copies, it doesn’t exist”

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