I have a yellow triangle with a ! in a picture that I put in a Photo book I am preparing to send to Apple for printing.
I realize it is a warning notice BUT what is it for.
Too large a file, over scan etc.
Where can I fine the definition of the warning sign ?
This is over an image when it’s dragged into a place in the book, correct?
That little yellow triangle is used in a few different places in Aperture, but in the case of a book, it’s a warning that and image is generally too low PPI for “good” print resolution. A while ago I know it was set at 300ppi and anything lower than that would give you a warning. Generally, you can go pretty far below 300ppi and still get a good result. In the past, I’ve printed photos that would ‘require’ about 16MP of resolution from 7-8MP images (before cropping) and gotten great results back. As long as your photo isn’t too low a resolution, then you should be fine.
Oddly enough, I couldn’t find any info about it in the manual, but the help section does say this:
“Because of low image resolution, the photo’s print quality may be affected. This badge appears on photos placed in book pages and webpages.”