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Will Aperture X be dumbed down? #1
Morten Scheel's picture
by Morten Scheel
October 3, 2011 - 5:59pm

We've seen Apple extending a middle finger to professional video editors with the release of Final Cut X. They've killed niche professional apps like Shake. Professional musicians and producers are worrying that Logic X will be Garageband on steroids (Apple denies this rumor).

What are your thoughts on the future of Aperture?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
October 4, 2011 - 2:44am


I continue to run this site, so my hopes are high for the future of Aperture :)

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Chris Hoch's picture
by Chris Hoch
October 4, 2011 - 6:31am

I hope Apple have learnt from the feedback with Final Cut X that the product needs to reflect the needs of the current users. Not simply (as put) extend their middle finger up to them and have it burnt.

I am still holding out hope that iOS5 will see an arrival of a dummbed down iPad version, even if it is just for organising and then sync’ing the raws back up when you get back to the office/home.

Ken Sky's picture
by Ken Sky
February 5, 2014 - 5:45pm

I’m expecting a major upgrade that will leapfrog LightRoom very soon (by the summer) or else I will have to abandon Aperture. There needs to be enough separation between iPhoto & Aperture to make the purchase (yes, I expect to pay for an upgrade) worthwhile - not just economically but from a workflow standpoint. As a DAM, Aperture needs little fixing but the features are not keeping up to the state of the art. When the Mac Pro was introduced it was expected that this upgrade would soon follow. So……

Ken Sky

bjurasz's picture
by bjurasz
February 5, 2014 - 9:14pm

Ken, I don’t know LR very well, so what am I missing by being an Aperture user?

Bill Jurasz
Austin Texas

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