Shutter Speed vs Shutter Angle ► Thoroughly Explained and Demonstrated
Photo Moment - May 25, 2018
Ever wondered what the heck shutter angle is, how it compares to shutter speed, and if you should really care or not?
5:09 Understanding, and optimal, shutter speed
10:38 Come to India!
12:02 Shutter Angle
17:43 Setting up your LUMIX camera for shutter angle
20:52 Synchro scan; setup and usage
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Late to the game here... but, when considering VFR, should the degrees still remain at 180d? I.e, say I'm shooting 1080p@24, but am shooting at 120fps in Variable Frame Rate. What should the degrees be?
go it , I was in synchro scan , switched it off and now its working.
Any video on F stops vs T stops
Any video on F stops vs T stops
Same idea. The difference is T stops measure ACTUAL light transmission (T), not calculated based on focal length (F). So three lenses from the same manufacturer at T4 will all be identical exposures. Three lenses at f/4 may not.
Gracias Por tú brillante exposición!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Now I'm quickly go to the Shutter Angle on my Gh5s 👽🎥👽🎥👽👾👾👾🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Have to comment here.
9.30 in you mention the scen in Gladiator, Blain Brown have explained how this was filmed.
Gladiator during the battle scene that begins the film. As the battle
just after dawn, the shots are the normal frame rate of 24 fps, but
as the sun goes down, shots are done at 6 fps. This gives a blurred
look that effectively gives the feeling of fatigue and blurred vision
that would result from an entire day of hand-to-hand fighting. In
the DVD commentary, director Ridley Scott reveals that the reason
this was done was that they were running out of light. By shooting
at 6 fps, the shutter speed becomes 1/12th of a second, which gives a
bonus of an additional two stops of exposure. In this case, the effect
has a double bonus. Using slow frame rates for extra exposure can
easily be used when the subject is static or has no identifiable that
would reveal that the camera was running off-speed.
End qoute.
9.30 in you mention the scen in Gladiator, Blain Brown have explained how this was filmed.
Gladiator during the battle scene that begins the film. As the battle
just after dawn, the shots are the normal frame rate of 24 fps, but
as the sun goes down, shots are done at 6 fps. This gives a blurred
look that effectively gives the feeling of fatigue and blurred vision
that would result from an entire day of hand-to-hand fighting. In
the DVD commentary, director Ridley Scott reveals that the reason
this was done was that they were running out of light. By shooting
at 6 fps, the shutter speed becomes 1/12th of a second, which gives a
bonus of an additional two stops of exposure. In this case, the effect
has a double bonus. Using slow frame rates for extra exposure can
easily be used when the subject is static or has no identifiable that
would reveal that the camera was running off-speed.
End qoute.
@@photojoseph Yeah, sometimes it works the other way around 😉And i really love that film !!!
Hello. I shoot with a gh4 and there is lagging images when i shoot movement shots. I have also noticed in this video when you move your hands they are not (Sharp/smooth) how can that be corrected. Please help
Sounds like you need to learn all about shutter speed in video! I have a video just for you my friend…
This is helpful for those looking at this from a photography background to see how theses settings specifically affect video like getting a sort of jarring shaky movement with a fast shutter or motion blur at slower speeds. It still seems funny to me that we use these analogues of either photography or cinematography, when we have no film to have ISO ratings, or grain size, and we don't have any shutters or spinning disks, and nothing is getting mastered to film. It's all emulated. Our cameras spend a good amount of processing power just so we can be more comfortable with using an old framework to understand them as as if they where antiquated devices. It seems if we just had something like a frame rate and a percent duty cycle setting, it would make just as much sense from what we are achieving as long as we know what the adjustment effects (which is essentially the same as the shutter angle analogy). We could also be adjusting different ways that we averaged the light data that we get inside of that frame, we're taking advantage of the actual characteristics of the image sensor and the processing algorithm. Anyway, it seems like the best you can do is try to learn from the best, what to look for and how to create it, and understand the underlying principles of why that worked for film and how to achieve it digitally.
Hah you’re not wrong! All these analog terms are definitely odd in a digital world. On higher-end LUMIX cameras you can actually set the ISO to gain, which is what’s actually happening. Shutter speed in fractions of a second is accurate whereas as angle is not, BUT using angle does let us do things like set an optimum shutter speed for desirable motion blur (i.e. 180° or ½ the available time as dictated by framerate) and leave it there as we change framerate for things like slow motion.
Tja, people that understood things, can explain them simple. Thats how it is. Thanks for sharing your clear view on this topic. I missed one thing though: What If the available light in the scene changes? It´s probably not the aperture that is constantly adopting to the light, right (depth of field would constantly change). How do we prevent the image from getting darker or brighter all the time? And I thought we keep the framerate constant too, because 24 is cinematic, not 102 or 321,5. Or do we accept the recording getting darker and brighter?
@@photojoseph Great, thanks. Just ordered such a variable ND to practice it.
Three parts to the exposure triangle — shutter speed (or angle), aperture, and ISO. If one changes, so must another. Your reference to 24 being "cinematic" is frameRATE, not shutter speed. And has nothing to do with exposure. As light changes, you can adjust any of the three. Usually you don't want to adjust aperture because as you said, depth of field changes. Usually you don't want to change shutter speed/angle, because that can change the look of motion. If you change the ISO a little no one will notice, but if you change it a lot you will introduce or remove noise. So the real solution is to control the light coming into the camera with a variable ND filter! I have several videos on ND and VND filters:
Holy crap - you just explained why that scene from gladiator is stuck in my mind for eternity. I knew it was “high speed” but didn’t really understand the fundamentals. You’re a great explainer.
Thank you, and YES! That is 100% the film that stands out in my mind as when I first noticed this.
Thank you!! Where were you when I was in film school?! I could have saved so much money! Thank you for the education and ALL the little details!!
Would you recommend shooting on Auto, manual or the other options for exposure mode?
I have a GH4, and have the 1/50 set for my shutter? Should I keep that or change to the 180D or it won’t matter I’m filming a film
Great vid! Though, am I right in thinking that if we use synchro scan to heavily we will affect the motion of the image? Say we were shooting 25fps at 180d (1/50) but need to adjust to 210d to fix flicker, this would effectively be the same as adjusting to shutter speed to 1/60 (1/58)? Is there a rule of thumb this?
The only rule is to eliminate flicker (because that’s hideous), then keep your shutter angle as close to 180d as possible for “natural” motion.
Great video! This video is the best video to watch if you need help understanding shutter speed and shutter angle.
Very clear explanation, thanks 👌🏼
I have seen this turtorial several times and I understand the sync and thee moore preciseness but still I really don't get why/where you loose aprox. 1 step of light. Should'nt it be the same at 25 fps to 50 of a sec. in exposure as 180 deg.= half the time ? In what manner isn't that equal with half the exposure as the 180 degrees to 360 ? Should'nt it in fact (but not possible) the exposure need to be 100 of a sec for 25 fps ? Where do we loose time for enaugh light to the sensor ?
@@photojoseph About so .... I thaught but you have "clearing up my mind" so I ubderstand it as well. 😅 Huge thanks ! 😘 Its a litle bit harder to get it when you not are a "native" to the language.
Thanks for watching! Ok… 180d shutter means it’s exposing for HALF of the TIME of that frame’s existence, right? If you’re shooting 25fps, then each frame occupies 1/25 of a second. Half of that is 1/50, so your exposure is 1/50 second. If you’re shooting 50fps, then each frame occupies 1/50 of a second, so then a 180d shutter is a 1/100s exposure — again, half of the existence of that frame.
V clear and useful but I always understood that 180 shutter in film cameras was 180 degrees because the shutter needed to be closed while the film pulled down. Puzzling.
Great video! Still 180 rule doesn't apply with high framerates
That it is! Since you’re enjoying my videos, if you like the complex topics, you’ll enjoy this one:
@@photojoseph The best video on this matter that i found was: "Motion Blur, Shutter Speed, & 180° Shutter Angle // TESTING the RULES!
" and the idea is that with less motion you expect to get less blur, so if you slow down 50fps, you'd need to stick to 180 rule. If you're not, it's more natural to see a full 360 (1/50th) shutter. Complex issue :)
If your intent is to slow it back down to 30 or 24 fps, then you’re right.
Best explanation of SS, frame-rate and angle I've ever watched - NOW I actually understand! Just got a GH5 and got a lot of other info and tips from your other videos.. Thank you!
Thank you! Now if you want to understand the math behind the flicker… check this one out next:
If you had to guess (or if you know the answer), what would be the maximum difference in the standard FPS x 2 = SS model before audio becomes noticeably unsynced to the human eye during playback?
@@tomcashman6203 no… but please explain the situation, with numbers.
Well, eventually the video will playback with either a ton of motion blur or staccato and stop-motion-y. If you were to interview someone, wouldn’t pushing the shutter to either of these extremes make the audio not line up with the persons mouth?
I don’t understand the question. Shutter speed has nothing to do with audio sync.
You explained the shutter speed an shutter angle very good. I like the video and u r funny😂
@@photojoseph i already did that🦉
Glad you liked it! Don't forget to subscribe! ;-)
Thanks !!!!!!!!!! Well explained.
Does the shutter angle affect the responsiveness or speed of the AFC focus in the GH5?
I shot an indoor gig of a 6-piece band on a large stage last week with lots of new custom settings, one of which being 240deg. Even filming with 3x GH5 cameras I had to do a lot of panning around and zooming to get close-ups on each person, and the AFC performance was very slow.
I shot an indoor gig of a 6-piece band on a large stage last week with lots of new custom settings, one of which being 240deg. Even filming with 3x GH5 cameras I had to do a lot of panning around and zooming to get close-ups on each person, and the AFC performance was very slow.
@@photojoseph I'm UK so was at 25fps. I don't shoot gigs at 50fps, there's not usually enough light. If it was a pop show with a dancing singer under a spotlight; yes I would
Hm, no… frameRATE can affect AF though. IIRC the GH5 samples 60 times per second so 60FPS is best AF performance, 30fps would be slightly less (although probably not recognizable), but 24 may be slower. I think that’s right; it’s been a while since I looked at those numbers.
Why is it that I always find the best explanation last? Maybe I started at the wrong end? Anyway, best real-world "English" explanation yet. No technobabble or jargon that leaves the viewer as bewildered at the end of the video as he was in the beginning. You explained this concept better than they did in film school. Well done PhotoJoseph.
Wow thank you, I really appreciate that. You might appreciate this video next, then. In this one I explore why we get flicker from certain lights and how to avoid it, from a very technical perspective. It’s just math! ;-)
the wikipedia video was great. Now the term "angle" makes more sense, by showing the cirular disk... Thanks!
thank you! Funny, this video is suddenly getting views… thanks for watching!
Thank you so much!! It was soooo well explained an easy to understand!!
How much time a rotor shutter takes to comple a single 360 Deg. rotation?
Is it 1 Second?
How much time a rotor shutter takes to comple a single 360 Deg. rotation?
Is it 1 Second?
You have misunderstood how shutter angle works. Please watch the video again.
Thank you, very valuable information for me. My question is - how to find the closest to 180 degree shutter angle value, if my camera allows me to control only EV and ISO?? There is got to be a way to estimate these values for 30fps and 60fps. Thanks
you have to be in manual exposure mode
@@photojoseph Thank you! Tried to do so, there is no option to switch shutter speed... only EV compensation and ISO
double your frame rate. At 30fps, 180d shutter is 1/60s
Thanks for a really good explain for this. The benefit with the YouTube and guys like you. If you wonder how thinks works out just search and find the answer. You are a really “to go” at the subscribe button :) again thanks for good and exactly explanation.
Hello! I can set my G9 to shutter angle...
I assume that was a question not a statement… and no, the G9 does not have shutter angle, sorry
really cool! Thanks a lot - super helpful ;) AND subscribed :)
Thanks. If you want to do slow mo, do you leave the setting at 180?
that's an excellent question. I will often to go 360d when shooting slowmo. Say you're shooting at 120fps; at a 180d shutter that's a 1/240s shutter speed. That's fast. Even at a 360d shutter it's still 1/120th. Either way your frames are going to be pretty motion-blur-less, so the answer is more about how much light you have than the look. Unless your subject is really fast, it'll be hard to tell the difference.
OMG this would be very informative but I can't get over how fast your speak. It's very distracting. Sorry don't mean to be negative. Good video but hard to follow because of this.
You can slow down the youtube video to 0.75 speed
wow so i've just watched a thousand other videos with wrong informations only to see finally the right one here.. subbed
Awesome thank you! Wrong information? That’s unfortunate!
I subscribed your chanel for this video, first time learn about that. Hope this helps for my Gh5 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Awesome! Also watch this one:
Let me tell you this video has been the most clarifying one I found about this topic. Thank you so much. You got a new sub.
Ah. 180 degree shutter automatically does the math for you.
Great explanation!
If you know the stuff and just want to know why it's called "angle" go to 14:00
If you know the stuff and just want to know why it's called "angle" go to 14:00
In film nomenclature is borrowed from a variety of different sources: math, science, art, psychology, etc. Some are just made up names and phrases that stuck. Others updated from historic disciplines like Best boy. Still others come from the name of the creator. I'm going to go with math until I'm told otherwise.
Just Subscribed to your channel, very thorough explanation, thanks! You have converted me to degrees.
Very useful video thank you! I presume since the shutter angle is fixed at 180 degrees for video we can no longer rely on the shutter to correct exposure and have to adjust other settings to control the light?
That is correct. In a variable light situation, your best friend is the variable ND filter.
If ISO changes, then dynamic range and noise can change (this is, IMHO, the best component to have change automatically if you’re shooting semi-auto or using a camera setting to adjust exposure).
If shutter speed/angle changes, depending on the motion in the scene, that can change the look of the shot (smooth vs jittery movement).
If the aperture changes, then the depth of field changes. Plus unless you have a lens with stepless aperture, you’ll see the jumps from stop to stop.
So, best method is to lock all three settings and control the light reaching the sensor with a variable ND!
If ISO changes, then dynamic range and noise can change (this is, IMHO, the best component to have change automatically if you’re shooting semi-auto or using a camera setting to adjust exposure).
If shutter speed/angle changes, depending on the motion in the scene, that can change the look of the shot (smooth vs jittery movement).
If the aperture changes, then the depth of field changes. Plus unless you have a lens with stepless aperture, you’ll see the jumps from stop to stop.
So, best method is to lock all three settings and control the light reaching the sensor with a variable ND!
You’re welcome! If you liked that, here’s my SUPER geeky video on the topic…
Explained in a clear and precise way, without any of the useless and wild cut scenes found in other peoples content. You've got a great way about you, and a new subscriber. Cheers!
Hi Joseph, thanks for the video, very helpful! I have a different question though...Would you mind sharing your set-up for PIP and how you source all your different angles in this video?
I film a lot of depositions and Im trying to find a seamless way of filming the witness and at the same time bring up a separate image (exhibit) via an elmo. Thanks for your time.
I film a lot of depositions and Im trying to find a seamless way of filming the witness and at the same time bring up a separate image (exhibit) via an elmo. Thanks for your time.
I’ve actually done several videos on my live stream setup, and I’m sorry to say that it’s much more complex than it appears! Watch this video first and from there, here’s a three-part very detailed look at my setup (although it’s over a year old now and some details have changed).
You’re a genius, thanks for all your vids. Just finished your course and was sooo helpful!!! You da man 🧙♂️
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