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Adjustments; Edge Sharpen, Chromatic Aberration, Color Monochrome

Live Training Session 016

Adjustments; Edge Sharpen, Chromatic Aberration, Color Monochrome

Live Training Session 016

Duration: 00:55 hr

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In yet another EXTRA LONG session, lasting just under 60 minutes, we wrapped up the last of the Adjustments that we’ll be covering in Live Training, and YOU the viewers picked the topics. I had a submission form available and I had loads of suggestions, and narrowed it down to the top three.

In this sessoin we covered Edge SharpenChromatic Aberration and Color Monochrome. Three great topics, and the first two especially had considerable depth. This could have been one of my favorite sessions!

We had an audio problem in the beginning, and had to start over, so when you see me incessently checking the chat window in this, it’s just so I can ensure people can still here me. You’re only seeing the good part here, though ;-)

Adjustments; Edge Sharpen, Chromatic Aberration, Color Monochrome

Live Training Session 016

Duration: 00:55 hr

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