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Change country for printing Aperture book #1
Kathleen Yorston's picture
by Kathleen Yorston
October 12, 2013 - 5:02pm

I live in Australia, and have created a book in Aperture. The book is to be delivered to an address in Denver, Colorado, and I cannot find a way to insert a USA address into my profile. Would appreciate any advice available. Thank you.

Sarah Mawdsley's picture
by Sarah Mawdsley
October 13, 2013 - 7:44am

Hi Kathleen

That is one of my biggest issues with all things Apple these days. I am a Brit living overseas and often would like to send books/calendars directly to family/friends in the UK. But, it’s no longer possible. I had a bit of a fight with Apple about this situation and was something that changed (several years ago) and it causes a lot of extra expense.

The only thing you can do is have it mailed to yourself and then you have to mail it to the US (very inefficient). I think it’s absolutely crazy. As a consequence, I have voted with my feet and will not use Apple for book/calendar printing any more. I make the books in Aperture and then upload the pages to other photobook printers who are more customer focused.

Not too helpful I think, sorry.

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
October 14, 2013 - 12:12am

One of the great things about the Aperture Book module is that you can define your own books to produce output that works with other book makers. If you search Google, for example, you can find the specs someone created for using Aperture to create the PDF-X output file to send to Blurb to have them print your book.

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