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Live Training Session 108 Coming Up; Adjustments: Exposure and Enhance

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 28, 2014 - 9:00pm

ApertureExpert Live Training Session 108: Adjustments; Exposure and Enhance

Pre-order for only $1.50!

We're still trying something fairly new… selling the item before it's available for a 50¢ discount. It's not huge, but then again, neither is the original price :-) I will do this for one more session and see how it effects sales.

Adjustments are a huge topic, and this is of course how we make our photos look better in Aperture. This first session kicks off the series with the Exposure and Enhance bricks.

TIME: Wednesday, June 04, 1:00PM (13:00) PST (check your time zone)

To learn how to watch live, and where to download the recorded training later, head over to the Live! page.

Apple Aperture
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