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How Dxo Optics Modules Are Made
If you’ve ever used DxO PhotoLab before, then you’ve seen it. The first time you open a photo taken with a camera and lens combination that PhotoLab hasn’t seen before, it prompts you to download a “DxO Optics Module”. You’ve let it download, then moved on with your day and possibly never thought of it again… until you loaded yet another new combination and were asked yet again for a new download.So, what is this “DxO Optics Module”, and why should you care?
What’s an Optics Module?
In brief, it’s a set of calibration instructions that tells PhotoLab how to treat certain aspects of your photo — specifically distortion, vignetting, chromatic aberrations, lens softness, sharpening — based on a very meticulously crafted series of data points created through an extremely rigorous testing process. DxO creates these files for each and every camera and lens combination possible. Let that sink in… for every mid-range to professional camera + lens combination (and smartphones!), there is a unique DxO Optics Module. That’s a lot of combos. (post continued on DxO's Blog; link below…)
To read the rest of this article, please visit the DxO Blog!
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