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ApertureExpert Live Training Session 017: Places Scheduled

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 18, 2012 - 1:18am

It’s time for another Live Training!

This Tuesday, March 20th at 4:00pm Pacific time we’ll be looking at Places. We’ll check out a variety of ways to add your photos to the map from simple drag-and-drop to external GPS or even iPhone integration.

As always attending live is free, or you’ll be able to download the full session afterwards for just $2.00

If this is your first session, be sure to check out the details on the info page. Or just sign up using the button below!

Also if you’re new to these, and are thinking of downloading a bunch of previous videos, be sure you’re signed up for the newsletter — a special offer will be going out to newcomers later today!

Apple Aperture

I for one would prefer Places and Faces stripped out of Aperture. I have both disabled.

Just key wording is enough of a headache, never mind having to faff around putting the images manually on a map!

Maybe useful if Nikon ever include GPS in their bodies but the GP1 unit is a real kludge solution and expensive to boot.

I’m sure some people find use for it, but certainly I am not one of them. I’m not even sure I can see why it would ever be necessary except in very rare cases to know to within 1 metre where you took a photo!

Faces and places are both good ….even for professional work too.
Think about a number of photographers who shoot different sport-activities on different sites. Then imagine that the ones doing sport is students from a school. All of them wants a gallery of themselves, sorted in sites.
One photographer shoot one portrait of all students, register their names ….then easy to combine all shots using faces and places.
No reason to remove such powerful features ! Same goes with the light table !

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