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PhotoJoseph's picture
August 3, 2010 - 12:26pm

Hi folks,

I know it’s seemed quiet on the front page lately, sorry. My summer travel schedule (see last post) has been insane, and the last week is the first I’ve had to catch up. I’ve been on top of all the questions in the forums though, so if you’re looking for recent activity, be sure to peruse there. I have started a few posts for the tips area but haven’t finished them yet; too much going on at once!


First “User Tips” Posted

PhotoJoseph's picture
July 10, 2010 - 2:13am

A short while ago I created a new section on this site called User Tips. I’ve seen some great tips and advice flowing through the Forums, but the problem is that most readers don’t go through the entire Forum, and so may be missing some real gems. So I created User Tips as a place for readers like you to post detailed, advanced tips and techniques that you wanted to share.


Samples of the ApertureExpert’s PresetPack #1 Looks

PhotoJoseph's picture
July 4, 2010 - 12:30pm

I realized that other than the few samples in the product description itself, I haven’t shared any other examples of the possible results from my ApertureExpert’s PresetPack #1 Looks adjustment preset pack. On a photo walk today that I led as part of another job I’m doing in Ottawa, I made a few photos that I applied the preset “Desaturated Film Look” to. Here’s one sample; click it to see a few more.


Twitter Contest

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 28, 2010 - 4:42am

I’m running my first Twitter contest, and the prizes are FOUR $50 coupon-codes for the ApertureExpert store! Simply copy and paste the following text into a new tweet (don’t just retweet it… you gotta do a new one!) and on July 4th I’ll randomly select FOUR winners from all who’ve tweeted!


Get more from Aperture’s powerful file management capabilities! Topics include developing your own import, file naming and long-term photo organization & storage strategies, metadata, time zone & time sync mismatches, RAW+JPEG, backing up, finding missing files, and JPEG Previews.


Aperture 3 Vaults; What’s Backed Up, and What Isn’t?

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 16, 2010 - 11:28am
A user recently asked, “I am realizing that Referenced images are the way to go for my RAW wedding workflow. I don’t know much about Vault. Is this something I use even if my images are Referenced or is this just for Managed images?”. Great question. The Vault can be very useful, but as most users already know, if you’re working referenced, then the Vault doesn’t back up your photos. So what good is it? Learn all about Vaults, and what they do and don’t do in this post.


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