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Platform: macOS

Something Great About iCloud

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 12, 2011 - 3:26pm

I just thought of this…

“hey, no pictures! Delete that!”
“sure thing”
(…already synced)

Can I plug my iPhone into my Canon yet?!


iCloud and Aperture

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 9, 2011 - 12:47pm

I was perusing the Apple iCloud features and spotted this… it was expected, but nice to see it in print!

Keeping a complete set of your photos on your Mac is as simple as turning on Photo Stream in iPhoto or Aperture. Every new photo you take appears in a Photo Stream album just as it does on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.”

I can’t wait!


Adjustments; Curves

Live Training Session 011

This is the fourth video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3. This one's all about Curves… and like those robots that turn into cars, there's more than meets the eye!

Duration: 01:03 hr
Included with membership

Preset Pack #5 “Film & Funk” Released!

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 6, 2011 - 3:55pm

It’s done!!

I’ll add it to the store tomorrow, but for now you can purchase below.

One itsy bitsy little caveat to this one though…

If you’ve used any of my presets before, you probably realized that all kinds of funky magic masking trickery goes into them. What this has always meant was that files bigger than the masks (21 megapixel on sets #1 and #5, 24 megapixel on sets #3 and #4) wouldn’t work, because you’d exceed the edges of the mask. Fine.


PresetPack#5 “Film Funk” Coming Soon!

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 30, 2011 - 10:49am

I’ve been putting the finishing touches on the next Aperture preset pack, titled “Film Funk”. Like the texture packs before it, these are made of a series of built-in textures, derived from high resolution scans of old, aged and beat-up film plates.

I hope you like what you see! Click the image below to see the entire series over on Flickr.

The popularity of applying “aged film” effects to one’s photographs inspired this filter pack. Each of the eleven preset combinations includes a unique high-resolution scan of actual Daguerreotype negatives, applied as a Curves mask, giving you complete control over the look of the effect!

Aperture 3 Stacks, Picks and Album Picks

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 29, 2011 - 9:22am

One of Aperture’s more curiously powerful features is Stacks. Unfortunately to the uninitiated, it’s probably just as confusing as it is useful—a point apparently recognized by Apple itself; when Aperture 3 was released, they set the default position of the “Automatically stack new versions” preference to off.

OK, What are Stacks?

Stacks are a collapsible collection of photos. There are two primary uses for stacks:

  1. To collect a series of similar images where you only want one to be prominent. These are usually shot in a sequence, for example the series of shots leading up to the wedding kiss, the series of shots leading to the touchdown, the series of nearly identical shots of a flower. In editing, the idea is that you’d “pick” the best shot, and that would go to the top of the stack. Close the stack, and you only see the best one. Open it, and you see the rest.
  2. To manage a series of Versions of the same image. If you have a photo and create a series of versions (say a B&W one, a cropped one, or just a series of experiments of adjustments), then they can all be kept together in a Stack so you know at a glance that they are in fact the same photo. Ultimately you “pick” the one you like best, and again when you close the stack, you only see the favorite one.

There is no visual differentiation between these two uses, which may be to blame for some of the confusion. And there’s nothing stopping you from combining these two uses either; ten photos in a sequence, plus a handful of versions of those photos, can all be in a single stack.

Then just to add another level of complexity, you have two stack designators; the Stack Pick and the Album Pick. This allows you to have a different pick in an Album than in the Project. You don’t have to, but you can. Confusing, yes, but also dead useful.

So with all that on the table, let’s go through the steps.


Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 Released

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 18, 2011 - 4:49am

The first update to the latest big cat is out! Not very many fixes mentioned, and it’s an incredibly light download at just 17.4 MB, and nothing specific to Aperture users listed, BUT of course we want to know if this changes anything for us photographers!



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