

Live Training Session 017

In this video we covered everything there is to know about Places in Aperture 3.

Duration: 00:58 hr
Included with membership

Turning Off Text Replacement in Aperture

Thomas Boyd's picture
March 20, 2012 - 12:26am

I was shooting the first round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championships at the Rose Garden Sat., and a fellow photographer had a very unusual Aperture question. 

He shoots for a wire service and each wire service has very strict and unique style for their captions. For instance, instead of writing, “John Doe, center, looks at his feet,” he needs to write, “John Doe, (c), looks at his feet.” 

This is all fine and good, except that when he typed, “(c)” a copyright symbol like this, “©” would appear. Needless to say, we needed to figure out how to turn that off. 

I first thought it was his text expansion app causing the problems. We turned off Typinator and it still happened. My second plan of attack was to Control-Click the caption and see if I would find something in there that might be causing the problem.

Sure enough, Text Replacement had a check mark next to it. This had to be the culprit. We turned it off and that worked.

However, between games he had to restart his computer and the problem was back again. Turning off Text Replacement isn’t sticky. It comes back on after re-booting the app.

Control-Clicking the caption field will show you where to turn off Text Replacement.

This is a feature he never wants on. So, we drilled down a little deeper, and found “Show Substitutions”. This window allows the user to either turn off all the substitutions, selectively turn them off, or edit and add substitutions. It’s quite powerful if you think about it, but for us, since we both use Typinator for this anyway, we need it disabled. 


Sorting Images by Import Session

Thomas Boyd's picture
March 18, 2012 - 2:07am

Most of the time, we do one import of the all the photos to a particular project. However, there are times when we go back and shoot the same subject more than once and import several times to the same project. 

I was recently asked by a photographer friend if it was possible to sort images based on the import session. My first instinct was that it wasn’t possible. I was thinking of the sort properties in the sort pop-up menu and I knew that wasn’t one of the choices.

But, like all organizational needs in Aperture, the answer is most often solved with the powerful Smart Folder.

I use Smart Folders all the time for all kinds of problem-solving, but I had never needed the “Import Session” rule. Well, it’s there and with a couple clicks, it will populate any one of your import sessions.

Here’s how to sort by import session

1. Create a Smart Folder and select “Add Rule”.

2. Select “Import Session”.

Add the rule “Import Session” to the search box.


ApertureExpert Live Training Session 017: Places Scheduled

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 18, 2012 - 1:18am

It’s time for another Live Training!

This Tuesday, March 20th at 4:00pm Pacific time we’ll be looking at Places. We’ll check out a variety of ways to add your photos to the map from simple drag-and-drop to external GPS or even iPhone integration.

As always attending live is free, or you’ll be able to download the full session afterwards for just $2.00


New ApertureExpert Adjustment Presets

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 16, 2012 - 11:55am

I just put the finishing touches on two new preset packs! I’ll add them to the store later, but for now, those of you who just happen to stroll by here can get ‘em right away!

Looks #2

The first is the long-awaited “Looks #2” pack. The original Looks pack is still the most popular one, and this expands on that. Some presets from the first pack have been tweaked and improved, and there are some completely new ones as well. There’s a small sample set below.

Add to Cart $4.99

Split Tones

The second pack is a series of split tones. What are split tones, you ask? It’s when you take a B&W image and make the shadows one color and the highlights another. It’s a really cool effect, and this pack includes nine starting points. As you might imagine, the final results are very image dependent, so you’ll want to play with these presets after applying to get the optimum look.

Add to Cart $4.99


Here’s the first half of the Looks collection… (click to view larger)

(Looks #2) A variety of looks… subtly different, but look at ‘em closely (click to view larger)

There are more samples; click below…


Welcome MacCreate Readers!

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 16, 2012 - 2:00am

It is with great pleasure that I announce the joining of forces of MacCreate, one of the largest and most popular resources for Aperture users on the web, with ApertureExpert.


Aperture 3.2.3 Update—Delete From Photo Stream

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 14, 2012 - 6:44am

As expected, an update to Aperture, (3.2.3) has dropped allowing us to delete individual images from the Photo Stream. Other than “minor issues related to performance and stability”, there are no other stated changes.

I’ve updated mine, and I’ve successfully deleted single photos from Aperture’s Photo Stream.


Google+ Hangout Test Tonight

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 13, 2012 - 4:40am

Hi all,

I’m going to run a little test with Google+ Hangout tonight, and I’d love it if you can stop by. I’m looking at this as a way to replace my GoToWebinar for my Live Trainings, which is awesome but costs a LOT of money per year to run. Hangouts now allow you to share your screen, and also allow a couple of things you can’t do with GoToWebinar — namely, share just a portion of my screen, show my face (which I’ve had to work around), and also to let me see and talk to you!


The New Aperture FAQ

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 13, 2012 - 2:20am

I recently added an Aperture FAQ to the site! This FAQ strives to answer the most commonly asked questions about Aperture maintenance, which I compiled over a couple of years of running this site.

Even if your Library is working perfectly now, it can’t hurt to skim through here… you never know what you might learn!


iOS 5.1 Update Adds Photo Stream Delete

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 8, 2012 - 10:54am

If you are a Photo Stream user, you have probably felt the frustration of not being able to delete a single photo from your Photo Stream without resetting the entire thing. Whether it’s an accidental picture of the floor or an embarrassing shot from last night’s party, it was frustrating to see your 1,000 image Photo Stream clogged with photos you don’t want to see.


ApertureExpert Live Training Session 016: Edge Sharpen, Chromatic Aberration & Color Monochrome

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 7, 2012 - 11:29am

This was a GREAT session, where you the users chose what the topics would be so we could finish off Adjustments and get ready for something else!

The topics you picked were Edge Sharpen, Chromatic Aberration and Color Monochrome. I think this session came out really, really well and I’m super excited to share it with you. It also ran long so we’re looking at another solid hour in this one.



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