
Aperture, Related

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 31, 2011 - 4:59am

My friend David Schloss over at MacCreate has recently launched a new photo store, called Photographic.ly (great URL, huh?). They sell all kinds of photo-related products, including some pretty unusual pieces.


Folders & Projects & Albums, Oh My!

Live Training Session 003

In the third Live Training session, we dug into understanding Folders, Projects and Albums, as well as touching on Smart Albums, Stacks and Versions!

Duration: 00:50 hr
Included with membership

Aperture 3.1.2 Released—Includes Many iPhoto Import Fixes

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 23, 2011 - 5:30am

tis the season…

Following closely on the Mac OS X 10.6.7 update from last night that added additional RAW camera support (among other non-Aperture related fixes, of course), today Apple released Aperture 3.1.2. Reading through the updates, the most prominent fixes are all related to importing from iPhoto—no doubt in response to the massive influx of new Aperture users following the recent price-drop of Aperture 3 to just $79. All those new iPhoto users must have been submitting some pretty good bug and crash reports :)

Check out the fixes below, and I know many users have reported these exact issues on this site. If you are so inclined to re-import to take advantage of these fixes, do let us know!

Here’s the list of fixes, and you can read the official version here.


Are You Over-Sharing?

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 18, 2011 - 6:19am

Embedding your copyright and contact info in your photos on import is critical. Assigning Places to photos is great fun. Showing off our best work on Flickr, Facebook, or anywhere online is amazing. But… did you just tell the world where your kids live? Where your new $2,000 iMac sits? In this age of sharing, it’s easy to forget about privacy, but that’s not always a good idea!

Check out this screenshot from one of my own photos on flickr…

The EXIF photo view on Flickr… did I reveal too much information?

Aperture’s default settings are set to protect you, but it’s easy to override them. In this post, we’ll look at keeping that private information from prying eyes.


Next ApertureExpert Live Training Is…

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 16, 2011 - 10:10am

We’re gonna try something here… use the poll below to tell me when YOU can attend the training, and (in theory at least), the result with the most votes, wins!

And if anyone has a suggestion on a better way to do a global “best time” poll, please comment below. I recognize this is a bit of a mess…

Be sure to select ALL that work for you!


Fun With Silver Efex Pro 2

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 12, 2011 - 11:42pm

I’ll have to do a “thing” with this software at some point, and for those paying close attention you may remember I was going to do something during development, but schedules went wonky and it never happened. Anyway, I’ve been playing with the free trial and it’s just fantastic.

This little output is a combination of work done in Silver Efex Pro 2, then the text was added as a custom book page in Aperture and round-tripped back as an Aperture TIF using the built-in Save PDF to Aperture script. Yes the titling was originally created in Photoshop, but I described a few posts ago how to do it using free software, too. Click to view larger.

Here’s the original…


Importing Your Photos (part 2)

Live Training Session 002

The second “Live Training” finishes exploring the extensive import window in Aperture 3.

Duration: 00:43 hr
Included with membership

Emptying the Trash in Aperture 3—What Really Happens?

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 10, 2011 - 3:58am

UPDATE: Scroll to the end for a video version of this tip!

Aperture 3 added the Trash folder so deleted photos and projects are easily recoverable, but once you empty the trash, what really happens? How are managed vs referenced files handled on deletion? Can you accidentially delete a photo that’s still in use elsewhere in the application? And is there any hope after hitting “empty trash”?

These question and more, tackled below…

Let’s throw some stuff away!

The best way to find out what happens is to try it out, and check the results! So here we go. Here’s what’s going in the trash.

  • Project A which contains Photo A1 (managed) and Photo A2 (referenced) in it.
  • Album B1 from Project B, containing Photo B1. Note that Project B1 will not be thrown away (so that Photo B1 is still in use, in a Project B).
  • Project C containing Photo C1 will go in the trash. However Photo C1 is being used in a Book B1, which lives in Project B. This book will NOT be deleted.
  • Photo D1- Version 2 will go in the trash from Project D. Notice that the original, Photo D1, will not go in the trash.

Here’s some screen shots (click to view larger): 

Project A which contains Photo A1 (managed) and Photo A2 (referenced) in it will go in the trash. We want to know what happens to the master files (the .CR2s that were imported originally). Remember, one of those master files lives in the Aperture library (the managed one), and the referenced one is floating around in the Finder somewhere.



What Problems Have You Had Migrating From iPhoto to Aperture?

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 7, 2011 - 4:28am

The next eBook/video training I’m working on is for migrating from iPhoto to Aperture. I’d love to hear from you what specific problems you’ve encountered so I can be sure to address them in this training.

Please comment below… don’t be shy, even if you know it was user error, let me know. If you think it’s a bug, let me know. Confusing? Complicated? Unexepcted results? Whatever your experience, if less than a 100% flawless transfer, I want to know about it.


Open in Editor or Plug-in… Again

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 6, 2011 - 9:23am

Scroll to the end for a video version of this tip!

A conversation in the User Forum about a complication with 3rd party plug-ins inspired this post. The reader was having troubles opening a photo into a plug-in a second time, and after some back and forth we resolved the issue and it pointed out what could be argued as a bug or a feature in Aperture 3. Which of course makes it great “tip” fodder ;-)

Editing with a plug-in or external application

Aperture has a fantastic plug-in architecture, with loads of developers making some very cool plug-ins for the app. If you’re short on ideas, head on over to Apple’s Plug-ins page and see what’s on offer.

Since these 3rd party tools can’t make adjustments using Aperture’s own adjustment capabilities (and if they could, we wouldn’t need them!), when you want to edit a photo from Aperture in one of these plug-ins, Aperture has to first render any adjustments you may have already made into a new file, and send that over to the plug-in. The format of the new file is determined in your preferences; you can make it a TIF or PSD, at 8-bit or 16-bit. This new TIF or PSD becomes a new “Master” file (so you can still always, always go back to your original photo). Once you are done doing whatever you’re going to do to the photo and it’s sent back to Aperture, it will have a little “target” icon on it, denoting that it’s been opened in an external editor (this could be an actual application like Photoshop, or just a plug-in—they are the same thing as far as Aperture is concerned).

In the following screenshot, we see a photo that’s been opened in Photoshop. I added some horrible color treatment to it to make it obvious to differentiate here. Believe me, it gets harder and harder to figure out what to do with Photoshop with every release of Aperture!

The little “target” logo means the photo has been opened in an external editor

See the slider badge on the bottom right of the first thumbnail? That tells us that some adjustments have been added in Aperture. Then, see the target badge on the second thumbnail—and notice that the slider badge is missing? The target means it’s been externally edited, and the lack of the slider badge means that the adjustments applied in the image on the left were rendered into a new master before being sent to Photoshop.



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