
Response to Cinema5D GH5 Criticism

A rather unpleasant article was released about the GH5 by Cinema5D yesterday, and we're gonna talk about that. Plus, I'll clarify a mistake from yesterday's electronic vs mechanical shutter discussion. 


Aurora HDR 2017 Luminosity Masking

Live Training Session 403

Macphun's Aurora HDR 2017 includes a powerful tool called the Luminosity Mask. It's an advanced way to work, but once you understand it, it's very powerful.

Duration: 00:48 hr
Included with membership

Presets for Macphun's Luminar

PhotoJoseph's picture
February 28, 2017 - 9:00pm

Presets are always a fun way to get a lot out of a new app quickly, and a very good way to learn how the app works. Reverse engineering a preset you love can help you to understand how things work!


Understanding Resolution; PPI, DPI for Print and Digital

Resolution is a topic that many beginners (and even advanced users!) get confused on easily. This discussion aims to clear up confusion around DPI and PPI, native camera resolution, scaling in apps like Photoshop, and more. 


Do you know how Lightroom and Lightroom Mobile integrate, and how to best travel with just a mobile device? This Live Training shows you how.

Duration: 00:44 hr
Included with membership

Epiphan Pearl-2 4K Streaming Unboxing

According to Epiphan, the “Pearl-2™ is the easiest way to do 4K live streaming, switching and recording”. Let's open 'er up and see what an $8,000 streaming solution looks like.



Live Training Session 800

Want to make your photos come to life? PLŌTAGRAPH Pro is an incredible app that does something crazy… it animates your still photos into movies!

Duration: 00:31 hr
Included with membership


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