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ApertureExpert Live Training Session 003: Folders and Projects and Albums, oh my!

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 22, 2011 - 2:25am

Session 003 has been scheduled!

Thanks to all who participated in the poll; the winner at 18% of the vote came to Friday March 25, 3pm Los Angeles, 6pm New York, 10pm London, 6am Hong Kong (the following morning) [see poll results]. When you register, you can display the time in your own time zone—register here.

This session is all about structure within Aperture, how the organization tools work, and some suggestions on organizing your own workflow. We’ll discuss all the organizational components in Aperture, including Folders, Projects, Albums and Smart Albums… look at the search tools, the Projects view, Photos view, and individual Projects & Albums views. By the end of this segment, you’ll have no questions on exactly what each of these does, how they work, and how to put them to work for you!

Head on over to the registration page to sign up, and remember, space is limited!

ALSO, the next session (roughly two weeks after this one), will be broadcast from Vietnam—if I have reliable service. I won’t be holding a timing poll on that as I’ll have a limited window in which to broadcast, but I’m hoping I can pull it off. I’ll be there for a speaking gig and in a nice hotel with “proper internet”, but you know… we shall see. This means it’s more likely to happen in an Asian-friendly time zone evening, so hopefully that’ll let a different audience attend live. And if you miss it, that’s OKit’s only $2 to get the download.

Apple Aperture

Are you going to be touching on vaults on this training session or will that be a different session?

I was just curious as the vaults falls at the very bottom of the folder structure (very week link to the subject I know)


Nope, not in this one, sorry! But if you are eager to read up on Vaults, check out this entry I wrote some time ago, “Aperture 3 Vaults; What’s Backed Up, and What Isn’t?”

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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