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Podcast Feed in HD in iTunes (SD Feed Down?)

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 27, 2011 - 2:26am

Some time ago we realized that the iTunes feed for the podcast wasn’t showing up in HD, and that’s since been fixed. However the SD feed appears to be no longer working (or even up-to-date), so we’re investigating that.

Definitely go for the HD feed anyway. Who wants to see the Mac screen at half-size? The HD feed is broadcast exactly as it’s recorded, at 1280x720 pixels. No scaling = a very clear picture!

Here are some direct links:

And yes I know I’m behind on these, I really need to do some more podcasts. Busy days… but I will, I promise!

Apple Aperture

I’ve just subscribed to the feed, but none of the files will download in iTunes, so it’s not just the SD feed that’s broke. :(

Any idea on when the feed will be restored?



Yeah the whole thing is down… see here. It’s on my long list of urgent things to take care of… argh!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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