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Aperture 3.4.3 Update

PhotoJoseph's picture
November 13, 2012 - 9:05am

You know it’s slow in Aperture-land when the last two posts were software updates!

Aperture 3.4.3 appears to only address an issue I’d warrant most of us haven’t seen, since I haven’t seen any discussion of this in the forums. The only listed fix is “Addresses an issue that could cause a licensed copy of Aperture to prompt for a serial number with each launch”.

If you notice any undocumented changes, let us know in the comments. I can’t imagine this release not including other fixes, too!

Hit up the App Store (Software Update), or you can download a 550MB updater from here.


Apple Aperture

Joseph, I see that most of the discussion here is regarding to the App store version, I have the regular pre-app store version. Are these problems with 3.4.3 there also? I have NOT applied it yet. Please advise.



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