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workflow when output sharpening with Nik #1
jenny 's picture
by jenny
September 28, 2013 - 12:53am

Nik output sharpening apparently uses the image dimensions to determine the amount of sharpening to apply.
Does this mean that in order to size it I have to export the tiff as a version to fit within the size I want to print, from Aperture, and then import it back into Aperture in order to run Nik sharpener pro 3 on it - and then export it again to get the file to print?
This seems very clumsy. Is there a better way to do it?

Susan Mayne's picture
by Susan Mayne
September 28, 2013 - 9:14am

I would love to know if what you are suggesting is correct because that is the process I have been following. I’m not really sure if I’ve got the Aperture to Nik and back process right. I need to print next week so I’m hoping you get some feedback soon.


Mark Connell's picture
by Mark Connell
September 28, 2013 - 3:50pm

Do you have Photoshop? If so, use the Nik Sharpener as a filter in PS rather than as a plug-in in Aperture. The steps would be:
1. Open image in Photoshop
2. Resize image
3. Apply Nik Sharpener from Filter menu.
4. Print from Photoshop

No need to save back to Aperture.

jenny 's picture
by jenny
September 28, 2013 - 4:11pm

Thanks but no, no Photoshop. I do all my editing in Aperture, and Nik plug-ins.

Stuart Burrill's picture
by Stuart Burrill
October 2, 2013 - 7:35am

It’s not great is it. This is why I would like to see output sharpening with some of the Nik Sharpener features in the next release if Aperture.

I now have CS6 but before that, I used to round-trip via Perfect Resize. Failing that, it’s a case of exporting from Aperture with the pixel dimensions and then sending to Nik.
Of course you then have to keep a version for every size. This is where Output Sharpening in Aperture would be handy. I’m surprised this question doesn’t come up more often.

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