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Aperture to SmugMug FileName issue #1
skale's picture
by skale
November 29, 2014 - 7:57pm

I use Aperture (no plug-ins) to publish photos to SmugMug. There is an issue with FileNames showing in SmugMug even though SmugMug Gallery Settings are set to hide FileNames. Saw a similar post at Looks like a product bug. Has anyone ran into this?

skale's picture
by skale
December 5, 2014 - 12:08am

got it figured out… 

The Aperture “Version Name” is transferred and displayed as a Title on SmugMug. My photos have the filename included in the Aperture “Version Name” field and that is why they are showing on SmugMug. The “Show Filenames” setting affects Captions only. To remove Titles on SmugMug, I had to use CSS and add the following code:

.sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-tile-title {display:none;}

remove Titles displayed in the Lightbox: 

.sm-lightbox-title {display: none;}

Kodora's picture
by Kodora
December 5, 2014 - 4:21pm

Thanks for sharing!

Alex U's picture
by Alex U
December 7, 2014 - 8:14pm


May I add another problem? Wenn adding a picture to an existing smugmug album then the original photos in Aperture will have their keywords changed by adding inverted commas to the keywords in Aperture. This results in a fully new keyword, e.g. Keyword is photos an this one is changed to “photos” with inverted commas. I have reported this to Apple and Smugmug but nothing ever happened and this is over a year since. My workaround is always to erase affected keywords an replace them with the correct old ones.

Best regards, Alex

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