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Duplicates #1
Graham Hodge's picture
by Graham Hodge
October 9, 2010 - 10:12pm

It seems I have several thousand duplicates!
One image will have a wee icon at the bottom, the other image which is like it will not. One has “iphoto original” in keywords, the other does not.

Which one should I keep and how do I eliminate all duplicates?
One day I'll have my albums in order!

Taking Pics in Tassie

Graham Hodge's picture
by Graham Hodge
October 9, 2010 - 10:20pm

I suspect I may have imported from iPhoto and not used the “do not import duplicates” option.

Taking Pics in Tassie

harringg's picture
by harringg
October 9, 2010 - 10:42pm

One thought would be to put all the duplicates in one album, filter for Keywords Do Not Include Any Of the Following: iPhoto original, that would only show the duplicates that where low-res (if I understood your question as to which is the ‘keeper’). Then select all and Delete.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
October 12, 2010 - 6:02pm

Graham & harringg,

If I understand iPhoto import correctly (and in full disclosure, iPhoto to Aperture is a weak area for me, and on my list of things to get my learnin’ on and write a book about!), the ones tagged “iPhoto Original” are the images that came out of the camera. The ones that are NOT tagged are the ones that you altered in iPhoto. See, iPhoto isn’t non-destructive, like Aperture is. Whenever you make a change to an image in iPhoto (i.e. fix redeye, exposure, even rotation), it saves a new version and replaces the previous one. However the original file from the camera is always retained, so you can “revert to original” in iPhoto.

It’s quite possible that iPhoto generates a new file for every single image imported, even if it’s not altered. That I don’t know.

I would suggest that you can safely delete all the “iPhoto Original” keyworded images. Alternatively, you can re-do any work you did in iPhoto, and work from the “iPhoto Original” images, but that’s up to you.

As harringg suggests, you can easily find them with a keyword search. However you don’t need to put them in an Album first. Just click on the Photos icon in the top of the Library list (it’s the second one down, under Projects then filter that using the search window in the top right of the Browser. Click on the little magnifying glass to open the search window, and click Keywords, then scroll through and look for the “iPhoto Original” keyword.

You could always export all of those results and burn them on a DVD or store them on a separate drive if you’re unsure if this is what you really want to do.

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