Instagram Learns to Share… or Does It?
By PhotoJoseph
June 8, 2016 - 6:00pm
Well, I for one was excited to learn that Instagram had finally added itself to the “Share” sheet on iOS. But then I tried it… yikes! The bad news is, it is kind of useless. The good news is, I recorded the whole thing!

If you aren't going to watch the video, know this… you can enable Instagram sharing now. But you'll be very, very disappointed in what it does.
on June 13, 2016 - 3:14am
I’m even more disappointed than you. It doesn’t work at all for me. When I tap the Instagram icon in the Share sheet it does nothing. If I then tap another icon it reacts right away. I thought maybe I would need to reinstall Instagram. But then I noticed it also doesn’t work for me on my iPad.