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“In-Depth Getting Started with Aperture 3” eBook is complete!

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 6, 2010 - 11:21am

Thanks to everyone for your support and patience… the new “In-Depth Getting Started with Aperture 3“ eBook is OUT! I’ll be sending out new download codes to everyone who pre-purchased right away.

When I first released the Aperture 2 eBook, I said that if Aperture 3 was released within 30 days, you’d get the updated eBook for free. Well, Aperture 3 took longer than I anticipated to release, and then updating the eBook took a bit longer as well. So to say thank you for your patience and support, anyone who bought the Aperture 2 eBook, at any time, will get a free update to the Aperture 3 eBook as well!

A huge THANK YOU to you all. Now, back to work… I have videos to edit and produce, as well as the “Aperture 3 Adjustments Preset Pack” to finish. Which, by the way, is going to be wicked-cool. I’ve come up with some pretty clever combinations of Adjustments that hopefully will surprise you and make it worth the wait!

Enjoy the eBook, and please, let me know what you think of it.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

Update on March 6, 2010 - 4:23am by Joseph @ApertureExpert

I’ve just sent out the discount codes for the free upgrade to everyone who bought already… if you didn’t get yours, check the junkbox for mail from If you still don’t see it, email me at that same address and I’ll sort it out!

Apple Aperture
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