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Aperture 3.4.3 Update

PhotoJoseph's picture
November 13, 2012 - 9:05am

You know it’s slow in Aperture-land when the last two posts were software updates!

Aperture 3.4.3 appears to only address an issue I’d warrant most of us haven’t seen, since I haven’t seen any discussion of this in the forums. The only listed fix is “Addresses an issue that could cause a licensed copy of Aperture to prompt for a serial number with each launch”.

If you notice any undocumented changes, let us know in the comments. I can’t imagine this release not including other fixes, too!


Aperture 3.4.2 Update

PhotoJoseph's picture
November 2, 2012 - 7:15am

Hit the software update (or if it’s not showing up yet, like it isn’t for me, you can download from directly) for an update to Aperture, weighing in at 3.4.2. Here’s the change list, and of course let us know how it works out for you in the comments!


iOS 6 Workshop

(for previous version)

Note: This training is for iOS 6! Learn what you need to know to maximize your investment in your iOS device. If you use an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you may be surprised at just how many features are lurking beneath the surface.

Duration: 05:15 hr

New “Jagged” Thumbnail for Über-wide Cropped images

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 27, 2012 - 12:00am

A small change to the interface for extremely wide (or tall) cropped images showed up in a recent update. I think this was in 3.4, but I could be wrong — I didn’t spot it right away.

If you crop an image extremely wide, like this:


What is This in the New Apple Macbook Pro Ad “Colors”?

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 26, 2012 - 4:24am

At around 11 seconds into the new MacBook Pro ad “Colors”, you see an image being dragged into what is clearly (now that I can see it in HD) a website. (In yesterday’s post I said it might be iBooks Author or Pages). Last I checked most websites don’t work that way!

Maybe it’s just artistic license, but of course it’s got a few of us curious just what is going on.


Show and Hide “Sort & Filter Controls” in the Aperture Browser

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 24, 2012 - 8:02am

This is one of those “everyone know’s it’s there” tips… until you don’t!

For a while I had noticed that the ability to filter by star ratings, or anything else, as well as the ability to toggle between Filmstrip, Grid and List view, were missing from Aperture whenever I was in Split View view. Since I know most of the keyboard shortcuts for this, I never put too much thought into it. On the rare occasions when I needed something I couldn’t use a shortcut for, I’d switch to Browser view to get to the commands.

Notice anything missing? There are no “Sort & Filter Controls” here!

Finally today I decided this was silly, and to figure out where the controls went. I’d seen them on another installation so I knew they hadn’t been removed from the app. So where the heck were they?

It’s not under Window menu

The Window menu offers the option to hide or show the Control Bar and the Keyword Controls and the Inspector, as well as ways to toggle between various views of those UI elements. But nowhere in there was the view I was missing.[more]



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