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New “Jagged” Thumbnail for Über-wide Cropped images

PhotoJoseph's picture
October 27, 2012 - 12:00am

A small change to the interface for extremely wide (or tall) cropped images showed up in a recent update. I think this was in 3.4, but I could be wrong — I didn’t spot it right away.

If you crop an image extremely wide, like this:

An example of a very widely cropped photo, viewed in the Aperture Viewer

The thumbnail in the Browser will now look like this:

The new “wide” thumbnail view in ApertureSo if you spot this oddly jagged, torn-edge looking thumbnail in your Library now, you’ll know what it is. No you can’t see the entire image in the thumbnail anymore, however I think this is far better than seeing a wide, 5-pixel tall strip of… wait what is that dark smudge, anyway?

Apple Aperture

I noticed this with panoramic photos created on my iPhone 4S. Which are great panos by the way!

Hah! I didn’t even occur to me that the iPhone panoramic photos were probably the impetus for this feature change. Of course!

(as you can see, I haven’t upgraded yet :)


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