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Beginner Tip Series: Tooltips

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October 1, 2013 - 4:01am

This is a series of new-to-Aperture observations and tips conceived by Stephen Guy, the new assistant here at ApertureExpert and PhotoJoseph’s studio. These are things that as a Lightroom user, Stephen found particularly interesting, compelling, or otherwise noteworthy.

Learning keyboard shortcuts helps make you more proficient in most applications. Enabling tooltips (Aperture > Preferences > Appearance > Show tooltips on controls) will often reveal more information about a tool, including the keyboard shortcut (if it has one), when you hover the mouse over it.

Enabling the tooltips in Aperture 3 is a great way to learn keyboard shortcuts

Hover over the item, look at the keyboard shortcut, and then move your mouse away and use that shortcut.

This tool actually has multiple functions, each accessible with different keyboard shortcuts

If you do this every time you will start to remember the keyboard shortcuts very quickly. You will even find hidden keyboard shortcuts that you can use to become even more proficient in Aperture.

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