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ApertureExpert Live Training Session 101: Importing Your Photos Available Now!

PhotoJoseph's picture
February 27, 2014 - 5:34am

This week we start over from the beginning, using the latest Aperture! Get it from the store for just $2.

Sure you can import your photos with just a click or two, but a little time spent before import can save a lot of time after. Learn what you've been missing in the import dialog in this all-important start with Aperture.

In this video, we start with the simplest Import — just click and go. Then we look at the preferences, including explaining the all important Camera Previews vs Standard Previews option, talk about naming Projects, and cover the difference between Managed and Referenced originals. We also discussed the “hybrid” Library, where you have part-Managed and part-Referenced, and when you might consider such a thing.

Click through to watch the trailer, or to download!

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