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Live Training 209 Available… 210 Scheduled… Going Random Again!

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 5, 2016 - 9:00pm

Hey everyone! First off, the latest Live Training Session 209 Lightroom for Aperture Users: Develop Part 4 is now available. Members of course can view it streaming as part of their membership, and non-members can download for $4. Thanks everyone for watching!

The next few Live Training sessions are scheduled, and while 210 is set on the previously fixed schedule, after that, I'm going back to the random schedule.

Why? Because live viewership went down — and I like having you guys watch live! The original intention of being random, which worked really well for many years, was that it gave people from all over the world, with all different types of schedules, an opportunity to watch live, for free. I put up a poll asking what you would prefer, and there was a significant preference towards a fixed schedule, and then a pretty heavy weighting to a specific day and time. BUT… it turns out that only a few of you are able to make it then. 

So, I'm going back to the random times. That worked well in the past, and I hope it'll work well again in the future.

If you have a significant beef with this, let me know below ;-) Otherwise… random we shall be!


Joseph,  I, for one, am glad of the change from a set schedule purely for selfish reasons.  My Tuesday work schedule offered no opportunity, other than taking a day off of work, to participate.  Now, at least, I can try to actually participate in one of these training sessions live!  Once again, there is always something I really wasn’t aware of or really understood the use of that I picked up in one of these sessions.  This time it’s the use of Grain.  Thank you for that.  The Dehaze slider is very useful for clearing out haze  but like all sliders can get garish if over used. I will add haze into a photo (move the slider to the left) if I want to give it a softer or misty look or to emphasize that effect for mood purposes. I also created an adjustment preset for one of my non-Canon lenses as sort of a “Camera Calibration/Profile” to correct for significant chromatic aberration effect and use that preset on import every time I use that lens so that way I do not have to do it on every picture one at a time or groups of photos synched after import. I believe Aperture had that capability, but it’s been such a long time since I used Aperture that I can not be certain.  Looking forward to more of these as they come along.  Cheers.


FC Note: This was posted earlier today on the Store website  in regards to This Live Training Session 2009.  Sorry for the duplication. 

Florian Cortese

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