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Folders & Projects & Albums, Oh My!

Live Training Session 103

Folders, Projects, Albums and more all play integral roles in ensuring a well-managed Aperture library. In this session, learn what each one is, how they're different, how they work, what they're meant for.

Duration: 00:58 hr
Included with membership

Live Training Session 103 This Friday

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 25, 2014 - 1:02am
It’s time for ApertureExpert Live Training Session 103, “Folders & Projects & Albums, Oh My!” where we’ll learn all about… you guessed it… folders, projects, and albums. Click through for the schedule and how to watch live, for free.

Importing Your Photos (part 2)

Live Training Session 102

Picking up where we left off last session, in Session 102 we completed the import dialog and learned everything you need to know about importing your photos!

Duration: 00:54 hr
Included with membership

Live Training Session 102 on Monday

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 7, 2014 - 1:57am
Coming up next, we’ll finish the import dialog in Live Training Session 102! Watch live on Monday, March 10 @ 2:00PM PST. This one may run long, as we still have lots of cover. Click through to see how to watch live, for free, or to download the sessions afterwards.

Let's Talk Cloud Backup

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 3, 2014 - 9:00pm
It’s a topic that’s come up many times, and as a follow-up to the great post last week by Walter Rowe, I wanted to bring up could backup again.


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