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Aperture 3 Vaults; What’s Backed Up, and What Isn’t?

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 16, 2010 - 11:28am
A user recently asked, “I am realizing that Referenced images are the way to go for my RAW wedding workflow. I don’t know much about Vault. Is this something I use even if my images are Referenced or is this just for Managed images?”. Great question. The Vault can be very useful, but as most users already know, if you’re working referenced, then the Vault doesn’t back up your photos. So what good is it? Learn all about Vaults, and what they do and don’t do in this post.

Tethering Support in Aperture 3 Expanded in OS X 10.6.4 Update, Includes Canon EOS 1Ds Mk III and 5D Mk II (and more)

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 16, 2010 - 7:46am

The title says it all… proper tethering support is finally here! No more Hot Folder actions, no more dropped connections (well at least that’s the idea), no more rubbish Canon software, no more crashed Canon mid-shoot. It’s fast and it works. I’ve just tested this with both the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III and the 5D Mark II, and it’s beautiful. Here we go.


Fast, Custom Importing in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 4, 2010 - 4:53am

A recent post in the forums asked a very specific workflow question, but I’m sure many others have or will come across similar workflow needs, so I wanted to respond to the question as a tip.

You can read the complete question here, however the simplified need is to:

  1. Import only the best photos
  2. On import, label them sequentially with a custom name
  3. Export the photos, keeping the custom name intact

1. Import Options

You have basically two choices when you import—to import all, or to import some. And there are several tools to help you import just the ones you need.

The first is easy, of course. To import all, it’s as simple as inserting a memory card into the reader, selecting (or creating) a Project to import them to, and clicking the Import Checked button.

However he’s asked about importing selects. That means there’s two stages to importing; viewing the photos to choose which ones are worth importing, then selecting only those images for import. Aperture 3 added some really great features to the Import window to facilitate this, so let’s take a look at those.


Check Out The New “User Tips” Section!

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 29, 2010 - 8:27pm

I’ve just created a new “User Tips” section to this site (look for it in the toolbar), where readers like you can post your invaluable Aperture tips for the community to enjoy. Head on over and check it out, and be the first to post!

My first suggestion for a new topic would be on migrating from iPhoto… I know a lot of users out there have done it, and I haven’t! So let’s hear what you went through, what went right and wrong, and help out some newbies in their migration.


A Comprehensive Look at Thumbnails, Previews, and More in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 17, 2010 - 10:08am
Understanding Previews and Thumbnails in Aperture can greatly enhance your experience. This is one of those “the more you know…” topics. Do you need to know this? No… Aperture is designed so that you don’t have to think about it. But if you do know it, then your overall understanding of Aperture will go up several levels.

A Change in Format

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 17, 2010 - 9:45am

Lately I’ve found that I’m spending more time responding to questions in the forums than I am to writing posts in “Tips & Tricks”—which in itself is fine, except that unless you’re digging through the forums (which I’d imagine you’re not unless you posted a question there), it looks largely like I’m ignoring the site—which isn’t good!


Wireless Tethered Shooting Using Eye-Fi & Aperture 3, and Matching RAW to JPEG After the Shoot

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 8, 2010 - 8:59am

A while ago I mentioned on TWiP that I was looking at a possible solution for wireless tethered shooting with Aperture and the Eye-Fi card. Basic “just shoot wireless” is easy; that’s what the Eye-Fi card does. But we still have to get the photos from the desktop into Aperture, and we all know that transferring RAW files over the WiFi is painfully slow, so my goal was to utilize Aperture 3’s ability to match JPEG to RAW files, and to shoot wireless-tethered and have just the JPEG files transfer, then match the RAW files later on when you can connect card over USB or Firewire. Got it? Good!

Good news is, it works! Less than good news is, it’s a bit complicated. But here we go. (If any Adobe Photoshop Lightroom users have found this page, there’s a special note for you at the end, too.)


Aperture 3.0.3

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 30, 2010 - 1:08pm

It would appear that Aperture 3.0.3 is out. I’m traveling today and just landed so can’t list the specs but if you haven’t seen it yet, run Software Update. And as always, back up before any update! (You are running Time Machine / File Vault / Backblaze or a combination of, riiiight?!)

Oh there’s a good tip post topic. Backup strategies.



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