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LUMIX S1H First Look!
Everything you didn't already learn somewhere else about the new LUMIX S1H, here in one tidy little package. I hope you enjoy… I had fun making this one!
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DxO Webinar: Do it Like Ansel! B&W Conversions in the Zone System
By PhotoJoseph
August 31, 2019 - 9:00pm
It's All About the LUMIX S1H, Baby! Shot Talk Podcast, S01 Ep12
By PhotoJoseph
August 31, 2019 - 2:00am
PACKED! What’s in my bag for the LUMIX S1H launch?
I’m heading to Hollywood for the Panasonic LUMIX S1H official launch… so what am I bringing with me? Turns out, some pretty great stuff! Check it out…
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DxO Webinar: Get the Look of Classic Film in Analog Efex Pro
By PhotoJoseph
August 29, 2019 - 9:00pm
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DxO Webinar: Make Your Best Architecture Photos w/ Nik Collection
By PhotoJoseph
August 22, 2019 - 9:00pm
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DxO Webinar: Processing snowy landscapes with Color Efex Pro
By PhotoJoseph
August 20, 2019 - 9:00pm
BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K. Shot Talk Podcast, S01 Ep10
By PhotoJoseph
August 16, 2019 - 6:00pm
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DxO Webinar: Black and White Fashion Portraits in Silver Efex Pro
By PhotoJoseph
August 15, 2019 - 9:00pm
15 Year Old Live Apple Demo Footage! (PhotoJoseph on stage in 2004)
Oh man… this goes back a ways. 15 years, to be exact. Check out this old video of me on Apple stages in 2004 showing Motion at NAB and Apple Expo Paris!
UNBOXING ► LUMIX 10-25mm f/1.7!
itshereitshereitshere!! (And the ONLY reason I'm not unboxing it before the show is because I HAVE to finish something else first… and if I open this box…
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DxO Webinar: Simulate Silver Halide Films with Analog Efex Pro
By PhotoJoseph
August 7, 2019 - 9:00pm