GH5 v2 Firmware Update LIVE From Image One Camera
Check out this live stream of our event at Image One Camera in Riverside about the GH5 v2 update!
Check out this live stream of our event at Image One Camera in Riverside about the GH5 v2 update!
PhotoJoseph and IBM Cloud Video talk about the gear and techniques needed to output a quality live stream. Topics include cameras, switching, audio, and mixing it all together. Thank you to our sponsors, epiphan, for donating the Pearl-2 for the event.
Let's get a little meta… this is a live stream to talk about a live stream that will be about live streaming!
When you think of presets (or filters), often they are one-trick effects. In Polarr, not only are they actual presets that you can continue to tweak, but each one has a built in tutorial! It's something special…
It's an AMA day! There were many questions from our live audience. Joseph touched on strobe vs fixed/continuous lighting, if Adobe is still an innovative company, “HDR” tablets, and much more. Plus, testing another settings change from Wirecast and hoping that we finally get 60p out of it.
The contest to win a copy of the GH5 Training ( or a full year's access to http://PhotoApps.Expert is now over! Let's have a live drawing and find out who won!
It's time for something new! Polarr is an incredible image editing app that's on all platforms, including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and even Chrome! Let's get an overview of the whole thing.
Hey hey hey, iOS 11 is here! Let's have a look! I use the iPad Pro and the iPhone 7 Plus to demo the new iOS 11 for you live. We looked at the new file browser, the Do Not Disturb While Driving function, how the emergency call shortcut works, screen recording, and ended the show by playing with a few augmented reality apps.
Well, it's that kind of morning where things didn't go as planned BEFORE the show went live. Looks like we're just taking a first look at the Mactrem 2-in-1 Macro Lens Cell Phone Lens Kit.
It's time to address some of the more detailed questions from the comments. We cover an analysis of the iPhone X design and features, some lens suggestions for the LUMIX GH5, Touchscreen Autofocus on the GH5, and much more.
Today's an AMA show… basically, an extended commentary. What do YOU want to talk about? Topics included the iPhone 8 or X, GH5 V-Log, and Final Cut Pro X and other video editing programs.
At some point, you'll want to share your images with the world. But do you get them out of Affinity Photo? This video explains it all, including moving your master .afphoto file back to iCloud.
You can't really have a photo studio without lighting. That's the whole meaning of the word “photo”. Could these LEDs be the cheapest way to get studio lighting?
This is the first “podcast” style episode, where we'll be talking news in the world of photography. Today's topics are:
•• iPhone 8 & iPhone X Cameras
•• People bruning holes in their cameras during the eclipse
•• DJI's updated quieter, longer-lasting Mavic drone
How exciting can exporting be? When it comes to Affinity Photo on macOS, it turns out… very. The features in here are amazing, especially to web and graphic designers.