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Import to aperture, export to "my Passport" #1
Billy Bags's picture
by Billy Bags
October 27, 2014 - 3:24pm

I am cautious about transferring my aperture library to my external hard drive (EHD) so imported a series of “homework” pictures to my aperture library, chose one and exported the original to my EHD where it shows with the file name and .CR2

When I opened it from my EHD I expected Aperture to fire up but no - it opened in PSE10 which I occasionally use as a plug in editor. I am curious and a little relieved that I haven’t followed the “Its Easy - just click on Aperture Library, copy and paste to your designated location on your EHD” to move the 84gig library I have.

Your comments as to why it doesn’t open in aperture would be most appreciated. 

As an aside, I am trialling Lightroom to see if it covers what I need if the Aperture replacement is no good. There again, a file saved in  lightroom opens in PSE10


John Waugh's picture
by John Waugh
October 27, 2014 - 5:15pm

When you export an entire library ( or a project as a new library) you will open it from your EHD and be in Aperture. If you export a single file it will open in your default photo editor. Don’t worry about running a library from an EHD it works seemlessly. 23 Tbts of libraries( 100 or so) archived on external drives back to 2006 with no problems (backed up of course). Keep “Vaults” on EHD’s as well.

John Waugh, Photographic Images • Apple Certified Trainer• Sport Action Lifestyle Photography

Billy Bags's picture
by Billy Bags
October 27, 2014 - 5:37pm

I already keep my vault (which is in fact my library) on my EHD which is my 2tb wd My Passport- From what I understand, this library is also backed up on this same disc using  time machine. I suppose it would be wise to obtain another ehd 

So, in my Aperture preferences I have PSE10 as my external editor and export in 16 bit. even though i do most of my editing using the Aperture facilities. Since i don’t use PSE 10 a lot (can’t get my ageing head around all the bits and bobs) I suppose I can remove it from my preferences - adding it only when i think there’s something i want to achieve - panoramas for instance.

Presumably by doing so my Mac will gain something around 80-90g of space and should be marginally faster - I have recentlty added 4 g of ram doubling the default ram. 


John Waugh's picture
by John Waugh
October 27, 2014 - 5:49pm

It would make a lot of sense to keep your Vaults and your library on two separate drives.

If you keep PS E 10 on your computer it makes no difference if you remove it from your prefs for Aperture export as it only opens when you call for it. 

John Waugh, Photographic Images • Apple Certified Trainer• Sport Action Lifestyle Photography

Billy Bags's picture
by Billy Bags
November 6, 2014 - 2:00pm

Thanks for your comments.

I exported a project to my external hard drive.

I logged out of Aperture

I then opened the file from my external hard drive and PSE10  opened rather than aperture. To complicate matters, PSE 10 then shook it’s finger and said it didn’t recognise this type of file  (CR2)

I thought i had removed PSE10 as a plug in editor in Aperture. So I went to repeat the performance using your explanations in another post. my file/library/application support/ but i couldn’t find Aperture. Nor could i find Aperture in the system/library/application support.  In fact i got so engrossed in looking for the files i burnt the sausage rolls i was making.  So Double ARGH 

I suppose there are 3 questions here  I wonder if you could make suggestions please

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