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Aperture 3.3.2 Available

PhotoJoseph's picture
July 26, 2012 - 3:21am

Another little update has come along with Mountain Lion this morning.

(see update below: The preset installation error has been fixed and the now work again!)

What’s New in Aperture 3.3.2

  • Supports compatibility with OS X Mountain Lion
  • Addresses issues that could affect performance when entering and exiting Full Screen mode
  • Auto White Balance can now correct color using Skin Tone mode, even when Faces is disabled
  • Projects and albums in the Library Inspector can now be sorted by date in addition to name and kind
  • Includes performance and stability improvements

 What’s quite cool is that when you run Software Update in Mountain Lion, all updates come through the Mac App Store — even for apps that you didn’t buy from there! So in my case, my Aperture installation is pre-App Store, so I’ve always gotten those updates from the old Software Update engine. Not anymore.

I’m downloading it now and will report back soon — needless to say I’m hoping the preset installation issue is resolved here!

Update on July 25, 2012 - 6:36pm by Joseph @ApertureExpert

YES!! The adjustment presets (effects) now install properly!

(This is only relavent to users who have tried installing presets since the Aperture 3.3 update. If you already had presets installed prior to 3.3, and haven’t tried to install any new ones, then you don’t need to reinstall.)

I will make the same recommendation that I made before. To ensure a clean install of presets, wipe out your existing preset installation.

If you have your own custom presets saved, you will want to export those out first. To export YOUR presets, simply go to the Effects drop-down in the Adjustments tab, choose Edit Effects…, select your collection(s) of custom presets, and from the gear menu, choose Export… and save them to your desktop. Then follow these steps to perform a clean install:

  1. Quit Aperture
  2. In the Finder, navigate to the
    ~/Library/Application Support/Aperture/ folder and delete the file
    Adjustment Chain Presets.plist (to open your home Library folder, click on the Go menu in the Finder while holding down the Shift key).
  3. Launch Aperture and install the presets by going to the Adjustments tab and selecting Effects and Edit Effects…, then finally Import… from the gear menu.
  4. If you are installing ApertureExpert presets, remember that they were delivered in a DMG file, so you’ll need to double-click on that to mount it on the desktop, then navigate to the .AdjustmentPresets file from Aperture.

If you need to re-download any of the ApertureExpert presets, forward me your download email and I will reactivate your links. If you can’t find that, I need at minimum your PayPal email address, but finding that email with the Transaction ID makes this a lot easier and quicker.

Apple Aperture

In case anyone worries, libraries are “upgraded” to work with on first running the updated Aperture. Make sure your Vaults are up to date if you are worried by this.

At last! Great news!

Now the only thing to dream about is to have looks #1, #2 and Film&Funk at more than Canon EOS 1Ds MkIII resolution. Thank you, Joseph!


You mean greater than 21MP resolutions? I need to do the lower than ones first for the film ones… I seriously doubt I’ll get to the higher rez ones at this point, it’s just too small of a market, sorry :(


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I had purchased a boxed (retail) version of Aperture way back when and after today’s Mountain Lion update did not see version Aperture-3.3.2 being offered via the new App-store-based Software Update tool. An OS reboot didn’t snap it out of its ideas, so I was close to resigning myself to plunk down $80 for the Mac App Store version.

Fortunately, I just found that plain old .dmg’s are still available via – even iWork’09 which I didn’t see either.

- Aperture 3.3.2 KB article
- iWork 9.2 KB article

Best, Michael

So are these dmg’s upgrades or full versions. I have the install disks from version 2, the the upgrade disks for version 3. Both require a serial number entry. You know the drill: run version 2 install, input serial #, run version 3 upgrade install, input new serial #, run software update to get, well, updated.

Would be nice to skip a few steps.


You don’t need to install version 2 first when installing version 3 upgrade from disc. Just install version 3 from the upgrade disc and it will ask for both the old (v2) serial number and the new (v3) serial number. It doesn’t care if v2 is installed as long as you have the serial number for it available.

You do need to pay attention to which serial number is being asked for and enter the correct one during install.



Any chance you had renamed the Aperture app? I found when I was doing comparison testing and had renamed the app that the update mechanism no longer spotted it, until I put it back to just “Aperture”.

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The .dmg’s have “Update” in the file name, so I think that means you need a base version installed. The former trial downloads used to be complete (except for the license) and a viable the starting point.



You may be on to something. At the moment, though, my version sits canonically at /Applications/ . I’d say upgrading by .dmg is fine as it’s needed seldom enough (sigh); plus, a MAS purchase may become inevitable if and when 4.x comes out.

I hope that the upgrade resolved the apparent memory leak I’ve seen a lot with 3.3.1 on Lion. It dragged down a nice 2-year old iMac with 8GB. Some people suggested to run in 32-bit mode, but that’s one thing that upgraded boxed versions were afflicted with: they are 64-bit only (by Finder Cmd-I, or file /Applications/ I hope this is no longer relevant.


Hey I made a book in the old aperture (the photos used were duplicate albums in iPhoto AND Aperture) but now I want to export it to my new Mac and use the photos from the iPhoto library and not have replications in Aperture, this will save space and be easier.

Is it possible to do this or will I have to remake the book from scratch?



Updates through App Store:
Thats all good news for all those who have access to the update…not for me.
I have installed Aperture 3.0 and i’m unable to get any Aperture update. The old method ist not offered anymore, and App Store is not listing Aperture as one of the purchased apps. Since yesterday i also run 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Is there a way to register an application?



Just select the book in Aperture and Export > Book as New Library. All necessary content will be included.

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If for some reason your updates aren’t showing up in the App Store, just visit You can download Aperture 3.3.2 update from there (as of this writing it’s still on the front page).

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I am running 10.8 mountain lion and i have 3.2.2 version of aperture. its not showing updates. how can i update my aperture. and which update i should install first and how can i install it. pls help.


If the download still isn’t showing up, go to and search for “Aperture 3.3.2” and download the manual installer. If that’s only an incremental upgrade, download the 3.3 first, then go to 3.3.2.

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