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Filterstorm for iOS, Call for Beta Testers

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 22, 2016 - 12:00am

The creator of Filterstorm, an iOS app, is asking for beta testers for their latest version, both standard and Pro. You can learn more about the current version at What's most interesting as a possible pro-level tool is the ability to edit IPTC data, and even FTP images. Photojournalists are called out as potential users, although the filter editing tools may apply to many.

Also it's worth mentioning that Filterstorm supports RAW files, using the DCRaw engine. I've only tested DCRaw on my Panasonic LUMIX images, and I have to say it's not a good decode for those, however users of more traditional cameras (i.e. NIKON, Canon) may have different results. 

If you would like to beta, email the developer directly and be sure to include your Apple ID in the email. I can't promise everyone who asks will get on the beta, of course.

Also there's a new forum here on the site you can use for both shipping and beta questions, and the developer has promised to monitor and respond there directly.

Happy beta testing!


Glad to see this great app featured on this website!!.. My Canon 70D RAW files decode quite well in Filterstorm Neue… I’m already beta testing the FSN Pro branch.. will ask dev if he can add me to the standard branch aswell.

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