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Aperture SlideShow Support 1.1 Update Released Today

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 16, 2010 - 11:04am

A new update hit today, Aperture SlideShow 1.1 Support. According to Software Update…

This update addresses an issue affecting the playback of HD video clips used in Aperture 3 slideshows on Snow Leopard. Audio and video tracks now remain properly synced in video clips that have been trimmed.

The update is recommended for all users of Aperture 3.

I’ve been hearing lots of issues with sound not outputting, and incompatible playback on certain devices, so hopefully this will fix most if not all of those. Personally I haven’t played with slideshows much yet (I’m still a bit bitter that I spent $100 on Animoto less than a week before this came out), so I haven’t seen the issues people have been talking about.

If you’re playing with slideshows and have seen any problems, run Software Update, re-output your slideshows, and report back here!

Apple Aperture
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