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Listener Questions

Live Training Session 106

Listeners are being asked to submit their toughest questions to ApertureExpert for this Live Training video. Submit your questions today!

Duration: 01:02 hr
Included with membership

Applying Your Favorite "Look" at the Time of Import

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 18, 2014 - 9:00pm
Do you find yourself consistently applying the same “look” to your photos in Aperture? For example, you always increase saturation, lower exposure, recover highlights, etc.? If so, then consider saving those as a preset and applying at the time of import to save a step down the road.

Live Training Session 105 Coming Up

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 16, 2014 - 9:00pm
Aperture offers a variety of way to tag your images, including ratings (one through five, plus ‘reject’), flagging, and color labels. This session explores these options and suggests where and when you might use each of them. This is one of those “you can do it your way” features, and understanding how they work will help you decide how to best integrate them into your own workflow.

Mimicking your Photo Mechanic 5 Workflow in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 14, 2014 - 9:00pm
After the previous two posts, if you’re a Photo Mechanic user, you may be considering switching by now. This post is all about how to make that happen—how to match your familiar Photo Mechanic rating system, keyboard shortcuts, and much more in Aperture. Before diving in and trying to figure it all out on your own, read this post and see just how familiar Aperture can feel to seasoned Photo Mechanic users.

How to Import Multiple Cards Simultaneously and Bypass Thumbnail Generation on Import in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 11, 2014 - 5:30am
Recently I met with Jeff Cable, Olympic photographer and Lexar Marketing Director, to put Aperture head-to-head with Photo Mechanic for his (and every other Olympic photographer’s) extremely time constrained workflow. The end result was nothing short of epic, cutting the import, select, edit and export time by one third. With this new super-fast import method, and Aperture’s built-in editing tools, allowing Photo Mechanic loyalists to bypassing the Camera RAW –> Photoshop –> Photo Mechanic roundtrip delay, there’s no reason any shooter on deadline shouldn’t be switching to Aperture immediately.

Rating, Flagging & Labeling Strategies

Live Training Session 105

Aperture offers a variety of way to tag your images, including ratings (one through five, plus 'reject'), flagging, and color labels. This session explores these options and suggests where and when you might use each of them. This is one of those “you can do it your way” features, and understanding how they work will help you decide how to best integrate them into your own workflow.

Duration: 00:53 hr
Included with membership

ApertureExpert Live Training Session 104: Smart Albums & Search

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 11, 2014 - 12:37am
One of Aperture’s greatest advantages is it’s ability to quickly search by nearly any parameter. Not only can you search, but you can create “Smart Albums” that are essentially saved searches, allowing you to search all or any part of your library with a single click. In this video, we explore the entire search dialog, showing all of Aperture’s extensive search capabilities.


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