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Aperture Library Not Showing Up in iLife/Media Browser? Possible Solution Found…
By PhotoJoseph
November 5, 2010 - 7:33pm
Aperture 3.1 + iLife ‘11 Slideshows, plus Publishing to YouTube Tips
By PhotoJoseph
October 25, 2010 - 1:00am
This script combines the power of AppleScript and Adjustment Presets into one command! With a single click, preview four versions of a photo using four versions of auto levels and curves.
Thomas Boyd takes us through creative image enhancement using Aperture 3, showing his own personalized techniques that he uses every day.
Duration: 00:27 hr
If you use both Aperture 3 and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3, this is a script you can’t be without. It will automatically export a Master RAW file from Aperture, and open it directly in Lightroom.