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Edge Sharpening, Chromatic Aberration control, and the Color Monochrome. Totally unrelated topics, but the next three adjustments we'll tackle in this Live Training session!

Duration: 00:51 hr
Included with membership

The Labor Day Sale

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 1, 2014 - 6:00pm
Did you know there’s a sale going on? You should sign up for the newsletter to get these notices early! Click through to take advantage of the end of the sale though…

When Aperture Isn't Enough (aka, "Anatomy of an Interior Design Composite")

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 29, 2014 - 9:00pm
There are of course times when we need to go outside of Aperture for our work. It might be to access a single plug-in, or to use a tool in Photoshop that Aperture lacks, but in some cases it’s bigger than that, such as creating a large composite file. In situations like that however, Aperture doesn’t cease to be part of the workflow. In fact, it can be a critical component, where each individual file is prepped and managed before being sent off to another land.

Adjustments; Dodge & Burn, Using Brushes

Live Training Session 114

Dodging and burning are as old as photo printing itself. It's probably safe to say it's the original photo editing technique! But do you know how to do it it in Aperture, and how Aperture's mask layers and brushes play together? This is the video to learn it all…

Duration: 00:59 hr
Included with membership

Cleaning Photos & Movies off Your iOS Device

PhotoJoseph's picture
August 20, 2014 - 9:00pm
No matter how much storage your iOS device has, it’s never enough, and it’s usually the photos eating up most of your space. This tip shows the easiest and fastest way to get those pictures and movies off your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, and get back to shooting more!


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