Photos for iOS Now Lets You Delete from Album and Device Simultaneously
By PhotoJoseph
July 1, 2016 - 9:00pm
I don't know when this feature snuck in, but finally when deleting a photo from an Album, Photos for iOS lets you choose to remove from Album or delete entirely!

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on July 1, 2016 - 10:13pm
Photos on my iPhone has not changed yet to this. I restarted the phone just now and it still did not update to this screenshot of your phone with the controls in the top of the toolbar. Am I not doing something correctly?
on July 2, 2016 - 11:27pm
The command shows up either when you hit the delete button on a single image or when you select multiple images then hit it — of course this is if you're looking at a photo in an ambum, since that's where this applies.
I'm on iOS 9.3.2
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on July 3, 2016 - 12:17am
Is this screen shot from your iPad, iPhone or mac computer?
I’m on iOS 9.3.2 also. My trash can is on the bottom right of my iPhone. And when I click on it, I only get the option to Delete Photo. And yes, I’m in an album.
on July 4, 2016 - 3:37pm
The posted screenshot is on an iPad, but I see the same thing on my iPhone. How very odd… I wonder if there's some kind of iCloud Photo Library connection? What settings are on/off in your Photos & Camera settings?
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on July 5, 2016 - 5:31am
These are the settings:
Photos - iCloud Photo Library - ON, Optimize iPhone Storage - checked, Upload to My Photo Stream - ON, Upload Burst Photos - ON, iCloud Sharing - ON, Summarize Photos - ON
Camera - Grid - ON, HDR, Keep Normal Photo - ON