
ON1 Photo RAW; First Look

Live Training Session 700

Watch for free! ON1 has released it's long-awaited RAW processor, ON1 Photo RAW. In this “first look” video, we approach it with fresh eyes—but is it ready for prime time?

Duration: 01:00 hr
Included with membership

Lightroom for Aperture Users: Live Edit

Live Training Session 216

How any photographer photo edits is a very personal thing… the look, emotion, and experience very much depends on you. Join me as I edit photos from Oaxaca!

Duration: 01:00 hr
Included with membership

Capture One Pro, Color Tab

Live Training Session 504

Capture One Pro has an extensive Color Tab and is one of the reasons people who love Capture One, do. Check out what's here, and what you may be missing!

Duration: 00:57 hr
Included with membership

Macphun Luminar; Layers Masks

Live Training Session 607

Layers masks in Macphun Luminar are quite impressive, with layer and adjustment masks, linear, radial and brush tools, and automatic luminosity masks!

Duration: 00:48 hr
Included with membership


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