How to Duplicate a Folder Structure in Aperture 3
December 16, 2013 - 7:42am
Aperture has a nice feature; it allows you to duplicate a project structure. Let's say you have a project with a few folders and smart albums inside. Now you have a similar project and want to recreate that structure: just right-click on that project and select: Duplicate Project Structure. Unfortunately if your starting point is a folder, there is no “duplicate folder structure”.
Here is a workaround:
- Create an empty “dummy” project.
- Inside that project, create the folder structure you want to duplicate. You may add folders, projects, and Smart Albums.
- Now right-click on your project and choose Duplicate Project Structure
- Rename the folder to whatever you want, move it from the duplicated dummy project, and delete the duplicated project.
- Keep the original “dummy” project so you can create multiple similar folder structures.

This is how I use this on my workflow: I have a folder for each year with a subfolder for each month, and inside of that, projects for each photo shoot / event / trip. Every year I duplicate that so I don't have to create folders again for each month.
I hope you find this tip useful!
on January 11, 2014 - 5:28pm
I’ve never been able to find a use for a folder inside a project since it cannot contain pictures.
I’ve wanted to be able to duplicate a folder structure above the project level – e.g. create my monthly project folders.
The easiest way I’ve found to do this is to create a folder structure outside of Aperture, then do an import folders as projects. You have to have an image in each folder.
I find it a lot easier to type than to mouse click.
So, in a text edit window type:
cd ~
mkdir temp
cd temp
mkdir 2014_01
cp /path/to/dummy/image.jpg 2014_01
cp -r 2014_01 2014_02
cp -r 2014_01 2014_03
cp -r 2014_01 2014_04
doing much of this with cut and paste.
Now in a terminal window
. temp-file-I-just-made.
(That’s a dot and a space at the beginning of the line.)
This creates your folder structure.
Now, import that folder.
Next year do a search and replace of 2014 with 2015, and Robert is your father’s brother.