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Apple Photos: Extensions

Live Training Session 1504

Extensions are like plug-ins for Photos — but they are a little bit different. Plus, we look at the new Edit With function in Photos 3!

Duration: 00:46 hr
Included with membership

LUMIX GH5 or LUMIX G9? ► Which One is Better?! Well… It Depends

So you bought a GH5 and now the G9 is out, and you're wondering if you should trade in / upgrade. If you're a serious stills shooter, it's a serious question to consider. Or you're now in the market, and trying to decide which to get. GH5 vs G9? There's a lot to compare. Let's discuss!


Apple Photos: Adjustments 2

Live Training Session 1503

Moving on in adjustments, in this session we finish all the built-in adjustments and are next ready to head into extensions!

Duration: 00:52 hr
Included with membership

Camera Makeup for Men ► Tips from a live YouTuber

You're a dude… so you don't wear makeup, right? Well, if you're going on camera… you should. I'm not talking about eyeliner and blush. But a little bit of care (seriously, it takes half a minute) and you can knock back that oil slick on your forehead and before you step in front of the lights. It's easy… and it's cheap. (And I won't tell anyone, I promise)


Apple Photos: Adjustments 1

Live Training Session 1502

It's time to start in adjustments! Photos 3 in macOS High Sierra has added some great new adjustments, and let's start looking at ALL of them.

Duration: 00:41 hr
Included with membership

Converting Raw Images to Black and White

maxtherry's picture
January 11, 2018 - 9:00pm

If you want the best images possible, shooting in RAW is essential. Shooting in RAW will get you all of the information about light, colors and white balance, which gives you the ability to make significant adjustments to the image without damaging quality. Сhanging the picture's color balance, or brightness will give you more editing options with much smoother monochrome conversions.



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