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Solution to Aperture 3.4 Installation Problems

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 23, 2012 - 5:08pm

There have been many reports here of issues with Aperture crashing after the Aperture 3.4 upgrade. Some reported fixing it by reinstalling the app, while others reported it fixed by trashing the preferences.

For those of you that trashed the preferences — your fix is only temporary. You will need to reinstall the app. Just delete it and re-download from the App store.


Aperture 3.4 with Shared Photo Streams

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 20, 2012 - 5:46pm

Aperture 3.4 has been released, with support for the new Shared Photo Stream that’s part of iOS 6, a menu command to open your library in iPhoto, and general “performance and stability improvements”.


Deselecting Images in the Aperture Import Window

Thomas Boyd's picture
September 8, 2012 - 12:00am

I would say one of the top ten Aperture questions I get from users, many of whom are experienced, is asking how they select and de-select multiple images for import. I think the reason for this confusion is that it doesn’t act quite the way the Finder does in this regard. Not only can you select an image, but the check box needs to be checked for it to be imported.

Often, we shoot more than one assignment on a card and want to separate the images into their respective Projects on import. It’s a way of keeping things tidy before they are actually in the library. Otherwise, you have to go through the extra step of relocating images (in a referenced library).

Uncheck All

The first step is to “Uncheck All”I prefer to “Uncheck All” before I select which images I want to import first. Of course you do it differently if you like. You can also just uncheck the images you do not want to import. [more]


Vault Behaving Better in Aperture 3.3.2

PhotoJoseph's picture
September 4, 2012 - 4:57am

I’ve noted before that since the 3.3 upgrade, I’d been unable to create a new Vault (starting from scratch). I’m happy to report that since the 3.3.2 update, I’ve been able to successfully create a new Vault again, and run updates on it. My library is larger than most and I know many people had no problems creating Vaults, but I wanted to share that it now worked for me — so if you’ve had Vault issues, it’s time to try again.



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