
500-wide, an Aperture Plug-In for 500px.com

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 25, 2012 - 12:00am

500px.com is fast becoming an extremely popular website for sharing your best work. I think one of the big differentiators between 500px and anything else out there is that you’re encouraged to only share your best images here. Lately though I have stumbled upon a few collections where users treated it more like Flickr, uploading 20 similar photos, and that may be the fault of 500px’s new pricing strategy. Even though I’m not a big user of 500px myself (I only recently started uploading photos to it), I hope it can stay true to its roots and focus on great photography, not mass consumption of every “it’s in focus so it must be good enough” photo out there.

An Aperture Plugin for 500px

500-wide is a new Aperture plugin from Blue Crowbar Software that honors the original idea of 500px — it’s only for your best. I say this because the plugin only allows you to upload a single image at a time. While I was originally resistant to this idea, I have come to appreciate it’s simplicity. When the plugin restricts you to selecting a single shot to share, it’s telling you to really focus and pick only your best. It does mean that when you’re first uploading your portfolio-quality images you’re probably going to skip the plugin and use the 500px web interface, but that’s fine. When you get into the routine of sharing just your best shots here and there, the plugin works perfectly fine.

Once installed, the plugin is found with the rest of your export options under the File > Export menu. The interface is pure and simple.

The upload interface for Blue Crowbar’s 500-wide Aperture plugin for 500px.com

The title is taken from the Title IPTC tag, which I don’t believe is very widely used. Most users may be expecting the title to be pulled from the Aperture Version Name tag, as it is for most image sharing services, however once again I appreciate this step. I don’t like changing my Version Names to anything other than the original Master Name, with perhaps a unique identifier at the end. This allows me to have a Title and my separate Version Name and never the two shall meet. The Description field is pulled from the IPTC Caption, as expected.


DPHOTO: A Viable Alternative to MobileMe?

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 23, 2012 - 12:00am

With MobileMe Galleries in their death throws, many users are looking for an alternative. The topic comes up here every so often, and of course there are loads of different places to show off your photos, such as Flickr or Facebook or Smugmug, but none that seemed to offer the simplicity and elegance of MobileMe.


Confidential Metadata Fields

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 22, 2012 - 12:00am

A user asked in the forum if there was a way to attach potentially confidential data to a photo (for example a model’s phone number and address) so that you can easily find it, but not have to worry about it showing up on Flickr or wherever if you want to share your images — but not strip all the metadata.

Reader gfsymon pointed out something that’s in the manual, but I have to admit I didn’t realize (RTFM anyone?) and that’s that the Custom metadata fields are not included in an image export, even with full metadata turned on.

Custom fields can be used for all sorts of things, and this confidential aspect just adds one more reason to use it. Many plugins actually create custom fields for you; you may have several already built and not even realize it!

To see your custom list, switch to the Metadata tab and from the drop-down, choose Edit…. Then from the gear menu, choose Manage Custom Fields…. You can also get to this menu from Aperture > Presets > Metadata.

Custom Metadata Fields in Aperture 3

As you can see from my screenshot above, I have several labeled “SmugMug”. Those were created by various SmugMug upload utilities I’ve used in the past, and they are used to store info about where they were published, so the plugins can locate and replace existing images on the site. Cool!

I manually built some to keep track of copyright office submissions. Here you can see those tags in play:


ApertureExpert Live Training Session 018 Export Available Now

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 20, 2012 - 8:55am

There wasn’t much notice, but the session went live today and it’s already online for download… check out Session 018, all about Export — everything you find in the Export menu, including Versions, Masters, Metadata and 3rd party plugins. Pretty important to know how to get the most out of export if you want the rest of the world to see your photography!



Live Training Session 018

This session covers everything you'll find in the Export menu, including Versions, Masters, Metadata and 3rd party plugins.

Duration: 00:48 hr
Included with membership

Ten Tips to a Clean Aperture Library (1 of 10) — Find Your Files

Thomas Boyd's picture
April 12, 2012 - 12:00am

We just passed the 100th day of 2012 and I was looking at my Aperture library in Project view and realized I had exactly, you guessed it, 100 projects.

I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty sure that’s averaging a project per day this year. Those 100 projects hold over 38,000 photos. In the past years I’ve averaged about 10,000 images per month and it looks like I’m on track for that number this year.



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