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Resolution and viewing screen change by alfred olivas on May 31, 2011 - 8:25pm |
by PhotoJoseph May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Splitting Projects in Aperture vs iPhoto Events? by Debbie on May 31, 2011 - 5:50am |
by Debbie May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Highlights & Shadows Versus Dodge & Burn by Benny Iskandar on May 31, 2011 - 5:05am |
by PhotoJoseph May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Stacks and Stars by iHarley on May 31, 2011 - 2:38am |
by PhotoJoseph May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Play/Pause key - Aperture or iTunes? BOTH! by ksignorini on May 30, 2011 - 11:21am |
by iHarley May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Places - what am i not getting right? by Joe on November 4, 2012 - 7:49pm |
by Joe May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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printing from aperture unresponsive by stump4545 on January 13, 2013 - 5:02am |
by stump4545 May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Wierdness with Effects preview window by mike aiton on January 16, 2013 - 10:42pm |
by mike aiton May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Aperture 3/Flickr remove account by mpallett on January 16, 2013 - 1:20am |
by mpallett May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Images disappeared from Library by Bill Schneider on January 15, 2013 - 12:04pm |
by Bill Schneider May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Importing pictures stored on an external hard drive by Anaïs Wiener on January 15, 2013 - 7:13am |
by Anaïs Wiener May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Splitting library on 2 or more external drives by Xochitl Coronado on January 15, 2013 - 4:36am |
by Thomas Emmerich May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Previews generation... and Faces by Bo Kristensen on January 14, 2013 - 9:48pm |
by Brian N May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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iMac 27" display problems by rongor on January 13, 2013 - 10:42pm |
by rongor May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Scansnap S1300 and Aperture by Graham Hodge on January 10, 2013 - 3:46pm |
by Jim Burgess May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Edit with Plug In List by Ken Klein on January 8, 2013 - 6:19am |
by Charles Putnam May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Project lost but photos still in library... and now? by Eric de Jong on January 10, 2013 - 1:36am |
by Eric de Jong May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Reapir Library/ recovered folder????? by katy on January 10, 2013 - 3:44am |
by Paul T May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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Why is aperture duplicating my projects when i try to move them? by susanna nussbaum on January 11, 2013 - 6:39pm |
by susanna nussbaum May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |
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MBP Retina SD SLOT by Paul T on January 12, 2013 - 2:28am |
by Paul T May 6, 2013 - 11:12pm |
Apple Aperture |