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Eye-Fi Labs—Be a Beta Tester

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 8, 2014 - 9:00pm
Eye-Fi, the company that makes the beloved Eye-Fi card that adds wireless capability to any camera that takes SD cards, has a new “Labs” program. Check out how to sign up and see what’s coming!

$20,000+ Raised for Charity!

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 8, 2014 - 3:00am
I know you’re seeing this a lot lately, but I had to share this news… we’ve now raised over $20,000 for charity with this campaign! Congratulations to all involved! And you know what… you ApertureExpert readers have been a BIG part of this. Click through to read more…

Tethered Shooting Still Rocks, but Should It Do More?

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 6, 2014 - 11:14pm
Tethered shooting is very common in a studio environment, when it’s desirable for the client to see the images as you go. I recently had a shoot go very well while tethering my Canon to Aperture 3, and am curious about other people’s experiences and desires with tethering.

SmugMug Integration

Live Training Session 025

SmugMug integration with Aperture came with the 3.5 release. This video goes through all the options, including many not-so-obvious things you need to know!

Duration: 00:17 hr
Included with membership

Reprocessing Previously Unsupported Images

PhotoJoseph's picture
December 19, 2013 - 12:46am
Following the recent Digital Camera RAW Update, if you were already shooting with a not-yet supported camera, you may be wondering how to get rid of all those “Unsupported Image Format” thumbnails. This tip shows you how easy that is to do.


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