
Who Shoots Tethered?

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 21, 2010 - 7:25pm

If you’re shooting tethered (or wish you could), I’d love to hear about it. How well does it work for you, and what methods are you using?


ApertureExpert’s Adjustment Presets Pack #1 RELEASED!

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 14, 2010 - 12:25pm

I’m very happy to announce that the Adjustment Presets Pack #1 for Aperture 3 is finally complete! It includes a series of exciting “looks” that are customized in ways I believe haven’t been done before… as well as a series of gradient tints that again have a unique twist to them. These masks are all generated outside of Aperture, meaning that with Aperture alone it would be impossible to create these looks.

This collection of Adjustment Presets is all about “looks” mimicking film, grain, and even a few Hollywood movies. Many of these presets involves a customized mask, which provides a look that isn’t possible to attain in Aperture alone. The end result is a collection of effects that you will find unique, fun, and flexible!

WINNER of “What Do YOU Want in Aperture 3?” Contest Announced!

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 1, 2010 - 1:01pm
Back before Aperture 3 was announced (it seems so long ago now, doesn’t it?!) I posted this article, What Do YOU Want in Aperture 3? in which I offered a free copy of my next eBook to whoever got the closest in their guessing. I just read through the lot, and there are some GREAT responses in here. Before we get to the winner though, here’s my three favorite features that did NOT make it in…

Missing Projects on Import Following Aperture 3.0.2 Upgrade

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 29, 2010 - 11:06am

Well that was weird… let’s see if anyone else saw the same thing.

I updated to Aperture 3.0.2 last night, and as you can see from the previous post, just imported some images. I did two imports to two new projects, and when I went to look for the projects… they were missing!

(I had imported to a New project, named in the Import window, and that new project lived in a 3rd level sub-folder.)


Processing “filename” Activity Status in Aperture 3.0.2

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 29, 2010 - 10:47am

Here’s a small but very useful update in Aperture 3.0.2. When importing files (or presumably at any stage of processing), the Activity Window now shows you exactly what file it’s working on. This can be very handy if Aperture is stuck on a corrupted file; you can now see exactly what it’s working on.


Sharing Movies from Aperture 3 to YouTube & iTunes

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 29, 2010 - 10:12am

Many have noted that Aperture 3 is lacking the YouTube and iTunes share features that you find even in QuickTime Player. Curious for sure, but here’s two (not exactly ideal but better than nothing) solutions.

For Managed Libraries

If you are working Managed, meaning your master files live inside the Aperture 3 library, you can take advantage of the “Open in Editor” function. However this also means you’ll have a duplicated movie that you’ll likely want to delete when you’re done.


Aperture 3.0.2, Adjustment Presets, and More

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 29, 2010 - 2:31am

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience while I’ve been busy in Singapore and Hong Kong. I’m flying home tomorrow, and will finally get to catch up on this site! In the meantime, a little housekeeping…


Aperture SlideShow Support 1.1 Update Released Today

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 16, 2010 - 11:04am

A new update hit today, Aperture SlideShow 1.1 Support. According to Software Update…

This update addresses an issue affecting the playback of HD video clips used in Aperture 3 slideshows on Snow Leopard. Audio and video tracks now remain properly synced in video clips that have been trimmed.

The update is recommended for all users of Aperture 3.


Keeping Track of Files Emailed, Printed, Exported & More in Aperture 3

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 11, 2010 - 12:28pm

There’s a clever new metadata set in Aperture 3 called Photo Usage that keeps track of files that have been emailed, exported, ordered as print, ordered via book, or printed. And where there’s a metadata tag, there’s the ability to search.

The new criteria appear to be not included in any of the default Metadata sets, so to view them you’ll have to create a custom one. Open the Metadata tab, and from the drop-down list of metadata views, choose Edit…


Aperture 3 Labels as Bookmarks

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 9, 2010 - 6:23pm

One of the new features in Aperture 3 are colored labels. Personally I wasn’t so sure what I’d do with them, but of course it’s always nice to see more options.

A feature I’ve always wanted was a way to bookmark an edit. Say I’m going through a 1,000 image shoot, and need to stop to do something else; maybe look at another project, or just shut down for the night. In Aperture 2, there was no way to know where I’d left off when I came back to the album. Sure, if it was the first pass I could just look for the unrated photos (assuming I was rating all of them… which I don’t). If it was a subsequent pass, there was simply no way to tell where I’d left off.

Until now.

If you’re new to Aperture and serious about getting started, or even an experienced user who’s not sure if you started off on the right foot, this eBook is for you. 126 pages of detailed step-by-step guides on importing, rating, adding keywords, editing and sharing your photos!


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